I actually think his analogy was a good one. It's a good change of pace from the same ol' same ol'.
And I said, doing that staring at a wall in a room full of sweaty people that plays horrid "worst of the 80s and 90s" music, not to mention PAYING for it, is plain asinine when all one needs to do is step out the door and go at it. In short I think real outdoor exercise is not only better for you (think cleaner air even, your own music, your own pace, etc) but you don't even have to pay for it.
I agree with you in theory, but sometimes it helps to have a little extra motivation, and that mental "oh shit i'm paying for it, i had better go" thing does work for a lot of folks. Personally i'm not a real "outdoorsy" type of person. Sure i'll go on a hike with friends every now and then but it just isn't something i do multiple times a week. Going outside for a run isn't realistic where i live since it rains about 9-10 months out of the year (yeah, the 2-3 months where there's decent weather it's nice to go for a quick jog in the actual outside), but most of the time it's too cold and wet... i have lived here all my life and am not afraid of getting wet, but prolonged exposure to cold and wet weather causes sickness which is counter-productive to a decent work-out. Also, living in a city is far easier to get daily exercise. The city i live in is so spread out and completely de-centralized with no real public transportation to speak of, so driving everywhere is the only realistic option a lot of the time. In a city, you have the option of walking a few blocks, grabbing a bus, take it a few minutes up the road where you need to get then back home. It just isn't a reality everywhere, so in that way going to get exercise somewhere just makes more sense.
Also, a lot of people have jobs where they sit in front of a computer all day and get absolutely no exercise (such as mine). in a lot of ways i'd rather work construction than this job because i'd actually get up and around, but my job simply doesn't afford that luxury. Same goes for many people. They sit in a chair at a desk for 8 hours, then go to watch tv at home or whatever. Personally, i'm for the people who chose to hit a gym on their way home or whatever.
I'm all for anything that helps people actually do something besides sit at the computer / tv, and if it takes a gym then i think that's awesome. I know it's just an anti-corporate/anti-fad thing you have ken, but really i think going to a gym is better than nothing. I'm not trying to convince you to join a gym, but the benefits drastically outweigh the fact that it boils down to people paying to use equipment to get benifits that they could get otherwise.