Official Off Topic Thread

I guess it's a bit harder for me because i know these people. I hang out with them at least once a month if not more. I know a lot of y'all wouldn't know it by my behavior on these forums at times, but I'm a chill dude. I rarely argue with people outside of debating with them, I'm happier just chilling without all the drama. Like i said, I'm friends with most everyone on the forums but they're not all friends with each other which is where the problem is. I've said it many times today, but it's like being caught in the middle of high school drama.

Basically i just want to punch everyone in the face. That's it.
Ugh. I just posted a long ass rant telling people basically to stop being fuck-ups or leave. If they choose to do neither, they'd be shown the door. Nothing personal, but seriously...

Fuck that forum man. serious. I'm goddamned bitchy right now.

a) do the job & mod
b) quit because you don't want to piss off people you like





my observation is that moderating on the bmusic forum is reasonably easy compared to these forums, as the majority of people there have a reasonable level of respect for each other, though there's certainly plenty of moments which cause me to completely understand what you're talking about Zach... :heh:
my observation is that moderating on the bmusic forum is reasonably easy compared to these forums, as the majority of people there have a reasonable level of respect for each other, though there's certainly plenty of moments which cause me to completely understand what you're talking about Zach... :heh:

Yeah, it seems pretty laid back over there. The ultimate low maintenance forum is the Freak Kitchen forum, Cool bunch of folks over there as well.
Where else can I wish the new drummer of a band I despise, good luck, and not get a clubbing for it? :D

Good christ I love you dubby. Haha, thanks for the laugh :)

At your service, Zach! :kickass:
Quite mean & bitchy myself lately....
I guess it's a bit harder for me because i know these people. I hang out with them at least once a month if not more.

See, I know a lot of the people on the various forums/lists that I babysit..err..moderate as well. Some are pissy about it when I have to slap their hands, & others are cool with it & understand that I'm just doing my job. Like JayDub basically said, you can either do the job & accept that you're not always going to be liked, or just quit if it bothers you to have to be not-nice to people you know..

Obviously I'm not worried about being liked. :lol:
Sure do, Adolf. ;) :lol:

I thought so, Joe.....:lol:

But we love you anyway :D At least this two-time week ban champion does :lol:

We do need some kind of Crown for that.....:heh:

Oh yeah? How's pops hanging in there?

Better but not so great...Sunday was BAD. Since you asked, I will keep this as brief & factual as possible. I saw him last Saturday, he was having some kind of (hopefully) pain killer related dementia. Rough day for him and for me, I hate getting yelled at by crazy people without being able to yell back...
He had surgery just a couple weeks ago for a gangrenous intestinal blockage, and is having some digestive issues along with being weaned off some heavy duty meds. The surgery he had has brought him some incontinence. Early Sunday morning, he had an "issue" and basically was swimming in his own waste until 10:00am. He now has a nasty bed sore as well from this. My sister arrives at the hosp, and notices that they gave my dad a new wristband. It was a DNR band (do not resuscitate) which was meant for his roommate in the other bed. I call the hospital on Sunday, only to find that my dad's roommate had just died. The rest of the family heard his last gasps and everything. The roommate's family came in, they had some kind of bedside prayer (he was Serbian) and then they left, leaving the fucking body in the room with him, and the rest of my immediate family for over 30 minutes while my sister bitched about wtf was going on. They gave my sister a lot of 'tude. (she's been a nurse for over 30 years) Normal procedure is to remove the other patient, guests, or the deceased from the room to give them some privacy. Nope, they tagged him & bagged him while everybody else was still there. Quite the clusterfuck. They haven't heard the end of it yet, I imagine...
The worst part was the erroneous DNR band. Had my dad had some kind of heart attack, or stroke, they would have let him die. Whatever you do, don't get sick enough to be hospitalized. Seriously, anything more than an ER visit or outpatient surgery, take me out in a field and kill me. If you won't, I'll do it myself. I'm ready to revive the spirit of Richard Speck, and go apeshit nuclear ballistic on the nursing staff from his floor. There would have been a HUGE problem at the hospital had I been there Sunday instead of Saturday... Too many fucking SERIOUS mistakes made in too short of a time span....
So yeah, we need to get him the fuck outta there ASAP.......
Better but not so great...Sunday was BAD. Since you asked, I will keep this as brief & factual as possible. I saw him last Saturday, he was having some kind of (hopefully) pain killer related dementia. Rough day for him and for me, I hate getting yelled at by crazy people without being able to yell back...
He had surgery just a couple weeks ago for a gangrenous intestinal blockage, and is having some digestive issues along with being weaned off some heavy duty meds. The surgery he had has brought him some incontinence. Early Sunday morning, he had an "issue" and basically was swimming in his own waste until 10:00am. He now has a nasty bed sore as well from this. My sister arrives at the hosp, and notices that they gave my dad a new wristband. It was a DNR band (do not resuscitate) which was meant for his roommate in the other bed. I call the hospital on Sunday, only to find that my dad's roommate had just died. The rest of the family heard his last gasps and everything. The roommate's family came in, they had some kind of bedside prayer (he was Serbian) and then they left, leaving the fucking body in the room with him, and the rest of my immediate family for over 30 minutes while my sister bitched about wtf was going on. They gave my sister a lot of 'tude. (she's been a nurse for over 30 years) Normal procedure is to remove the other patient, guests, or the deceased from the room to give them some privacy. Nope, they tagged him & bagged him while everybody else was still there. Quite the clusterfuck. They haven't heard the end of it yet, I imagine...
The worst part was the erroneous DNR band. Had my dad had some kind of heart attack, or stroke, they would have let him die. Whatever you do, don't get sick enough to be hospitalized. Seriously, anything more than an ER visit or outpatient surgery, take me out in a field and kill me. If you won't, I'll do it myself. I'm ready to revive the spirit of Richard Speck, and go apeshit nuclear ballistic on the nursing staff from his floor. There would have been a HUGE problem at the hospital had I been there Sunday instead of Saturday... Too many fucking SERIOUS mistakes made in too short of a time span....
So yeah, we need to get him the fuck outta there ASAP.......

Sorry to hear about that Jdub. I hope he gets better.:)

Kenneth R. said:
I fuckin hate hospitals.

A few months ago I had to fly back to Pittsburgh for my grandpas heart surgery. The hospital "smell" and sight of very ill, helpless people was enough to send me running outside into the cold for a few hours.
Real sorry to hear that man. Sounds like a rough time for sure. I'm not a praying man, but I'll hope for the best for you and your family.

Thanks man. Although there were many setbacks, he's now back at work and feeling better than he did before. Modern medicine is an incredible thing.:)
thanks guys... While modern medicine is incredible, it still has to be administered by people who CARE about what they do.
90% of the a-holes, & a-holettes on my dads floor can take a flying fuck @ a rolling, soiled, bedpan...