I did![]()
One of the funniest quotes I've ever heard in my life has to do with this...
My friend who is 6'6" always ends up dating girls who seem to be about half of his size. I asked him if it ever made things weird (I wasn't referring to sex) and he responded with, "well, if they aren't crying by the time I'm done they are more of a man than I am".
Yes, definitely my beer of choice, especially Coopers Pale.I know I'm a little late in the conversation but I can vouch for Cooper's being awesome.
OMFG...Anyone who's interested, the new Anal Cunt tracklisting has been posted
54. I'm Voting For John McCain Because He Doesn't Like Gooks
60. I Bought Schindler's List On Blu-Ray So I Could Watch The Jews Be Tortured In High Definition
I'm only 5' 8" and I have a small frame, so I tend to prefer girls that are my height or a little shorter and on the petite side... something bothers me when the girl has bigger arms than I do.
Goddamn Matt, did you lose your virginity to Jabba the Hut?
YES. (no lie, she was a beast, but it was as good as 17 year old Matt could do at the time).
Wow matt. I'm glad i lost my virginity to a tall, skinny, hot big boobed blonde.
i don't know man, i've heard this also. it's because gils need a bit of stretching to fit a normal guy and apparentlyti hurts the first few times you stretch it like that. i guess you should stick with using your hands for a while to get her downstairsused to it.
hahah, my bedroom?
@1-2 minutes. that sucks for both parties involved HAHAHAHHA.
nah, there's lots of girls like that out there, but finidn one who has morals and isn't a skank is really hard.
Seriously, the only thing that poll tells me is that a lot of people suck at sex.