Official Off Topic Thread

I've been two months doing an internship in a cultural museum. I don't get any salary except the Social Institute Of Finland pays me approx. 430 EUR /month (660 USD). From that money I have to pay the rent of my apartment, phone bill and cover some other household outcome.

Fortunately for July and August the museum asked me to come work for them. I will get 1400 EUR / month (plus weekend bonuses) so I think I'll get at least average 10 euros / hour (15.5 USD)for the rest of the summer.

The midsummer weekend is now starting here in Finland. People are leaving early from work (at least here in the city offices) with the permission of an employer and start to pack for the weekend at e.g. summer cottage. Nevertheless, king Alcohol is involved. The famous unofficial Finnish lottery is to guess how many drowns during this midsummer weekend. Large bodies of water and fat bodies of alcohol don't mix.
:lol: see I told you it would build character

{just so you know, the reason your wages are kept low as well as your hours ? This is the beauty of immigration, see no body needs you this way, less labor expence more money for the suits. The language and incompetency is just the iceing on the cake. The suits getting to watch people barely get by ? thats their iceing. }

Yep, I just mistakenly assumed it wouldn't be as bad as it is. The county I'm in right now has made national headlines for it's crackdown on immigrants and because of it, a lot of them are leaving. A good 90% of he people who work there during the day are English speaking Americans in their 30's or older OR high school and college/summer workers. I figured I wouldn't be dealing with the best bunch at night, but....well, that's what I get for hoping for good things out of people.
Last night went and saw Angelcorpse with a Bestial Warlust tribute band (which included members of bestial warlust haha) and Gospel of the Horns. The first two bands (who's names were like Cemetary Urn and Sancdkghoatyus Incognonwmagj) sucked nads, but GOSPEL OF THE HORNS were fucking incredible! Black thrash along the lines of Destroyer 666, which is not surprising as two of the members are ex-destroyer 666. Fucking insane!

The rest of the show was not particularly interesting, but Gospel was WELL worth the trip up! The band is highly recommended.
2 things here......

1) If you were b.s.'ed about your wages, that's grounds for not giving notice when you leave (in my book anyway), TRY to give them 2 weeks notice no matter how much it pains you. If you're lied to about this kind of stuff at the beginning, who knows how much more you'll be lied to. Sounds like your supervisor/manager is a complete clusterphuck....or is used to people who don't understand how much they should make....

2) When I fell from grace from my "good" job, I worked at Home Depot for over a year on the freight team. I ended up in pretty good shape after that year, and was the almost as lean as I was when I graduated highschool (180-190 lbs) down from about 230-ish. The trade off was that I worked for clusterphucks, I crushed or cut some part of my body almost every single night, the load wasn't equally pulled by everyone on the team, but I eventually got a boss there that recognized my contributions & work ethic, and did everything he could for me to make more $'s, or at least employee awards. He also had grill nights every payday Friday, and almost made it fun to work there for $10/hr. There was nothing more depressing than turning 40 and hanging those little mailbox letters & numbers while I sang happy birthday to myself, complete with a simulated gun barrel in the mouth and a fake "bang". If there aren't other opportunities in the area, try to hang in there, especially if you need the cash, but it never hurts to keep shopping for something better....

-between the issue with the wages and the issue with the schedule, I CERTAINLY wont feel bad when I stop showing up. I will definitely try to give them notice, but I am looking for something else and if something works out, I'm not going to tell them to wait two weeks. For me, the bigger issue with this than wages is their scheduling issues. I was promised hours that I wont even get close to. Not to mention, they haven't even put me on the schedule yet. I was shot down for trying to request next Friday off for a family trip that's been planned for some time and was told that without making the request at least 19 days in advance (which, in most cases, I'd understand), nobody would even look at the form. Meanwhile, they don't even know whether I'm working tomorrow. I was told to, "come in Saturday and we'll see if we need you when you get here".

-Funnily enough, I was considering applying to the freight job at Home Depot. The money is better, but the hours are the same. Also, with them it would be five 4-hour shifts per week as opposed to two 8-hour shifts (and only 8-midnight as opposed to 1030-630). My worry with that is the kind of things I'd be loading/unloading (especially with the nightly cutting and crushing as you've point out:lol:.....:erk:). I can't afford to have anything happen to my hands. I'm already irked that I broke one of my nails at work the other night. Since it's summer, it wouldn't normally be a big deal to just go easy on the classical stuff for a few days but I've got an important recital when I get back that I'm busy preparing for and stuff like that puts a damper on that whole thing. Either way, I've got 3 more applications out and a few more than I'm planning on picking up/turning in by this weekend. I might even teach, which I initially decided not to do because without adding a commute to my routine, I would be making less than what I would've been making at Target had they kept their 40 hour promise. I'm sticking it out while I can.

I wish I was back home, where everyone knows everyone else and it'd take me about 2 phone calls to get a good summer job.
Last night went and saw Angelcorpse with a Bestial Warlust tribute band (which included members of bestial warlust haha) and Gospel of the Horns. The first two bands (who's names were like Cemetary Urn and Sancdkghoatyus Incognonwmagj) sucked nads, but GOSPEL OF THE HORNS were fucking incredible! Black thrash along the lines of Destroyer 666, which is not surprising as two of the members are ex-destroyer 666. Fucking insane!

The rest of the show was not particularly interesting, but Gospel was WELL worth the trip up! The band is highly recommended.

Now I know what's missing from my act...a sweet name.
Meedley, Im not sure if your in a retail stock room or a warehouse, but either way these people (target, walmart and other warehouse work) have been jerking employees around for along time now. My ex has been in Walmart distribution center for must be 12 years now and only gets about a months worth of 40 hour weeks prior to Christmas. Same deal as you, many days she travels out there and gets sent home or only gets 5 hrs of work. Something around 50% or more of her income goes into her work transportation due to this and shes over $16 an hour, but the traveling combined with no work or short hours just fails my calculator test when you put it up against the insurance, car payments, gas and maintenence. They have horror stories about the night shift also, apparently they never get the work done and are thought of as "strange" people.
I worked a delivery truck from warehouse to store for walmart. they fucked around with me too, but since they were so shorthanded, and i was one of the few competant workers, they quickly realized that they should do anything i say. which allowed me to break dress code, ignore some of the supervisors, and take longer breaks. all while getting much more work done than most. they wanted to keep me at the end of the summer and promote me up to manager in a few months, but i politely and smugly refused because i had to study abroad and complete my BS degree.
-between the issue with the wages and the issue with the schedule, I CERTAINLY wont feel bad when I stop showing up. I will definitely try to give them notice, but I am looking for something else and if something works out, I'm not going to tell them to wait two weeks. For me, the bigger issue with this than wages is their scheduling issues. I was promised hours that I wont even get close to. Not to mention, they haven't even put me on the schedule yet. I was shot down for trying to request next Friday off for a family trip that's been planned for some time and was told that without making the request at least 19 days in advance (which, in most cases, I'd understand), nobody would even look at the form. Meanwhile, they don't even know whether I'm working tomorrow. I was told to, "come in Saturday and we'll see if we need you when you get here".

-Funnily enough, I was considering applying to the freight job at Home Depot. The money is better, but the hours are the same. Also, with them it would be five 4-hour shifts per week as opposed to two 8-hour shifts (and only 8-midnight as opposed to 1030-630). My worry with that is the kind of things I'd be loading/unloading (especially with the nightly cutting and crushing as you've point out:lol:.....:erk:). I can't afford to have anything happen to my hands. I'm already irked that I broke one of my nails at work the other night. Since it's summer, it wouldn't normally be a big deal to just go easy on the classical stuff for a few days but I've got an important recital when I get back that I'm busy preparing for and stuff like that puts a damper on that whole thing. Either way, I've got 3 more applications out and a few more than I'm planning on picking up/turning in by this weekend. I might even teach, which I initially decided not to do because without adding a commute to my routine, I would be making less than what I would've been making at Target had they kept their 40 hour promise. I'm sticking it out while I can.

I wish I was back home, where everyone knows everyone else and it'd take me about 2 phone calls to get a good summer job.

Nice that they can't tell you if they need you tomorrow. Sounds like a PERFECT managed operation.....jeeze....

Wow, HD is only doing freight part time? I know they're hurting BIG time, but that was a full time job back in 2003-4. I appleied there months before I started working there, and didn't get "in" until I knew somebody else working there. Injuries depend on where they put you. I had to do almost every department, lumber sucked, watch out for the aluminum studding!

Good luck with your quest!

p.s. Is there a bounty on your co-workers? :heh:
p.s. Is there a bounty on your co-workers? :heh:


I don't really see what the big deal is. Look at the dude! Obviously he's got some redneck in him and if we're going to be honest, rednecks tend to be a little racist. Good for him. How about don't worry about it America? Can we do that? That'd be thuper.
I don't really see what the big deal is. Look at the dude! Obviously he's got some redneck in him and if we're going to be honest, rednecks tend to be a little racist. Good for him. How about don't worry about it America? Can we do that? That'd be thuper.

Oh, I definitely agree. There really is nothing more entertaining than a redneck hunting down bad guys. Unless they're getting hunted down... It's just that his rant was a bit extreme. Oh well, who cares.:lol:
Apparently DNA and RNA components have been confirmed in meteorite samples. Though that only suggests that, like carbon and other elements, these pieces of the puzzle are available elsewhere in the universe, it does not necessitate that life on this planet is dependent on them. Still, a lot of people are very pissed off because they're afraid of truth.