Official Off Topic Thread

Ok, quick informal survey for the guys around here. We're in the middle of this debate on the Seattle forums. So no need to get too descriptive, you know the subject matter, just answer the question:

Sock, paper towel, or other? If other, feel free to fill in the blank or not. Also, involving anyone else is not an acceptable answer, we're talking full on solo missions.
Good luck with the sale, might be tough times, how's the housing market there in Batavia?

Well the houses in my neighborhood that are listed at or around what I'd want for my house have all been on the market for at least 1 year if that's any indication. So, I'm guessing they're asking too much in the current market. Luckily, the sale is by choice and not by necessity so it's not urgent.

But like you said, tough times no doubt.
I started my warehouse job the other night and I'm just about fed up with it already. I'll just do this point-by-point:

-I was told in my interview it would be 9.50 and hour.'s 9.00 and hour. Oh well...I mean you can't expect the manager of the warehouse crew to know what her employees are supposed to make

-I was told (even have it documented) it would be a full time thing for the summer and that I'd be getting four or five 8-hour shifts every week. Nope....turns out that at MOST, I'll be getting 3 shifts per week...more likely to get two. Unfortunately, I wont make nearly as much money this summer as I had planned on.

-Of the 30 or so people that work the shift (that's the warehouse crew plus the floor crew, I'm 1 person out of about 5 who speak English fluently and understandably (no, this isn't me bitching about illiteracy again....these people literally just don't speak the language). I have no problem with people wanting to retain their culture...but retain it at home where it doesn't hinder yours' and others' ability to get a job done. That's where I draw the line with that whole issue and I would hope that even those with the most lenient views on immigration would agree with that. I get really pissed several times last night. The first incident happened when I was standing on the top of a 10 foot ladder with a 50-60 pound box in my hand. I couldn't reach far enough to get it in place, so I look down to the guy I was working with and say, "back up, I'm coming down so we can move the latter forward". In his language, that must've actually meant, "don't worry, I have great balance. Why don't you shimmy this ladder down the aisle while I'm on the top of it, 10 feet off the ground with my hands full and nothing to brace myself on". Then, when I kept shouting "stop, I'm going to fall", he must've thought I meant "you're doing a great job, pal!". At least he was smiling the whole time. When I finally got down, he genuinely didn't see anything wrong with the picture. Did I mention that this is the guy who is supposed to be training me? At least the job doesn't require any more intellect than tying shoes and I'm not likely to have any questions. This all led to many fun-filled situations later involving him attempting to tell me where certain things go and then him, with noticeable irritation in his voice, asking me, "dant yoo oondastand wot ah sai you (the most/closest thing to English he spoke durin ghte shift).

-There are two things that I don't fuck around with when it comes to a job. I need to know how much money I'm getting and when...and I need to know when I'm workng (and for how long) to get that money. I don't like working under someone too lazy to do a shedule. I don't want to have to track her down in the warehouse and the end of every shift to find out when I'm working next and I sure as hell don't want to sit at home every single night on the off chance that they decide it's my turn to have a shift. If they need two weeks notice for time-off requests...I don't think it's unreasonable at all to expect at shedules at least a week in advance.

-the one thing I actually do enjoy is the physical aspect. As much as I hate being in that hot, humid warehouse for 8 hours a night...I really work up a sweat and feel accomplished at the end of my shift. It's a nice little workout and it helps me to get a pretty good sleep the next day.

Already looking for a new job...

:lol: see I told you it would build character

{just so you know, the reason your wages are kept low as well as your hours ? This is the beauty of immigration, see no body needs you this way, less labor expence more money for the suits. The language and incompetency is just the iceing on the cake. The suits getting to watch people barely get by ? thats their iceing. }
I started my warehouse job the other night and I'm just about fed up with it already. I'll just do this point-by-point:

2 things here......

1) If you were b.s.'ed about your wages, that's grounds for not giving notice when you leave (in my book anyway), TRY to give them 2 weeks notice no matter how much it pains you. If you're lied to about this kind of stuff at the beginning, who knows how much more you'll be lied to. Sounds like your supervisor/manager is a complete clusterphuck....or is used to people who don't understand how much they should make....

2) When I fell from grace from my "good" job, I worked at Home Depot for over a year on the freight team. I ended up in pretty good shape after that year, and was the almost as lean as I was when I graduated highschool (180-190 lbs) down from about 230-ish. The trade off was that I worked for clusterphucks, I crushed or cut some part of my body almost every single night, the load wasn't equally pulled by everyone on the team, but I eventually got a boss there that recognized my contributions & work ethic, and did everything he could for me to make more $'s, or at least employee awards. He also had grill nights every payday Friday, and almost made it fun to work there for $10/hr. There was nothing more depressing than turning 40 and hanging those little mailbox letters & numbers while I sang happy birthday to myself, complete with a simulated gun barrel in the mouth and a fake "bang". If there aren't other opportunities in the area, try to hang in there, especially if you need the cash, but it never hurts to keep shopping for something better....
shit, you cant even afford to buy, licence, insure, repair and put gas in a car for $8.00 an hour even at 40 hour a week.