noble savage
Wow, pretty cool! If I'm not mistaken, don't Lana and Erik live in Holland or did they move here? Or neither?
Haha, shut up. I mean I wish I had Jeff Scott Soto's number. I'd tell him to get back with Yngwie and rock again.There's plenty of Jax to go around.
Haha, shut up. I mean I wish I had Jeff Scott Soto's number.
Should I be offended by this comment?
"You guys never saw me on stage, interview and videos with CRYPTOPSY because, both of us decided that it was better for me to leave the band for many reasons, but the principal one is money problems. Many years ago, I put that little picture on my [Vampire Freaks] profile that says that 'Every time you steal music, god kills a kitten...' I WAS THAT F*CKING KITTEN, YOU, STUPID A*SHOLES DOWNLOADERS AND THERE IS NO GOD!!! Yes, I assure you, downloading music unfortunately kills great artists. Everyone in the media/entertainment industries is really worrying about the problem. So, because of it, I didn't have the luck to experiment what's a video clip realization, neither what's a world tour, but my tracks [are] on the [just-released CRYPTOPSY] album and I still really glad about it: 'The Unspoken King', SO BUY IT IF YOU LIKE IT. For the orther bands who says in their little monkey mind: OMG! She's free to be in an other band... Before to get involved as a keyboarder/samplist/back vocal in an other band, I'll do and wear a five-meter-long necklace made with my own intestines and wear my ex-boyfriend's bloody nuts as ear buckles before it... So it means I never want to be involved in a band again until I'm classified as music arranger or music composer by contract for them. This adventure doesn't bored me at all about music, I still working on my company (still very slow, but in progress) and may accept any contract for film/video games music scoring, band intros/arrangements/compositions, piano show (in Quebec province, except if pay is really interesting...) So, I finished my explanation right here, hope you still enjoy my songs and 'Don't worry, be happy' (Did you know that the author of this hit actually kill himself one day after writing it? Paradox...)"
Seriously, what an unappreciative cunt.P. S. : For those who hopes to correspond with me as a friend... forget it right now, I'm here for networking and sharing my music. I have all the friends and support I want in my life. Go get a life and please stop dreaming : yes, I have a boyfriend and I love him so much
I didn't mean it like that. Please don't ban me!
Stuff like that makes me scared :/
I grabbed that from blabbermouth, but it was originally from her myspace.
Even better, there's an addition on the blog that says:
Seriously, what an unappreciative cunt.