Official Off Topic Thread

Republican National Convention....and there are various groups protesting various things. Anti-war, Anti-pollution, pro-anarchism, etc. etc. Like I said before, there are plenty of them protesting totally valid things on a respectable and peaceful way....but the aforementioned group of assholes are mostly self-proclaimed anarchists who weren't hugged enough as children or something.
Some of them are also people who's staging centers were found packed with buckets of urine, homemade tire-spikes, bricks, wrist rockets, knives, axes, helmets, sledge hammers, make-shift shields, molotov-cocktail assemblies, etc. Some of these groups are planning/threatening to disable buses carrying people to the convention, blockade bridges using the sleep dragon

you have got to be kidding me ! This is a known fact, like already busted and caught with this kind of stuff ?

I still have fairly vivid memories of the, I believe it was, 68 Chicago national convention when they clubed the protestors. Was kinda strange watching as a kid, I didnt quite understand, but my father and Uncle sat watching it, so did I.

So are most of these protestors college students ?

Cant blame Americans for being very pissed off and showing it but not through the methods you are implying.

However on the flip side we have to remember there was these clubings at one time and there was also the bullshit at Kent State. So in that aspect I can see the helmets, face shields and perhaps ones own club to wield. Thats defence not offence.

Its also a good sign Bush and Cheney have been advised not to show face, as it proves there is fear, an acknowledgement that they have pissed people off beyond compromise.

Perhaps rather than a lack of hugs as children it is more of a case of too many kicks in the teeth. Just something to think about.
Its also a good sign Bush and Cheney have been advised not to show face, as it proves there is fear, an acknowledgement that they have pissed people off beyond compromise.

Do you think this is the reason Bush and Cheney dropped out? I caught the radio earlier today and that exact thought popped into my head.
Do you think this is the reason Bush and Cheney dropped out? I caught the radio earlier today and that exact thought popped into my head.

No, Noble, just my assumption, you have to figure its the National and for the President not to speak seems odd, but perhaps its happened before. I cant imagine they had prior arrangments, and if there is people there that want to raise hell its really for the best to avoid playing into their hand.
There's this tiny little thing called hurricane Gustav that most everyone is diverting their attention to. The Convention is being pretty well scaled back, certain people are cancelling and/or postponing appearances, etc. They've dealt with simlar/worse fucktards before so I highly doubt that they are the reason the appearances were cancelled. More often than not...these folks are all talk anyway and their goals of huge, organized displays of disorder and destruction end up being a few isolated incidents that are quickly neutralized by police. I actually really do appreciate the sight of people getting out to promote their cause...regardless of whether they are on the same side of the fence as I am. People caring about their society is a good sign. Leave the urine, shanks, clubs, and homemade explosives at home though for fuck's sake. I'm really hoping to see some of these people go overboard and (with me present to yell, "oh shit that was awesome") take a riot stick to the face.
However on the flip side we have to remember there was these clubings at one time and there was also the bullshit at Kent State. So in that aspect I can see the helmets, face shields and perhaps ones own club to wield. Thats defence not offence.

If there was a good reason for them to have that stuff (just that stuff, not the various other things mentioned), then that's one thing. The reality is that they are planning to go into streets occupied primarily...I think 95% is a good tourists and people who work and/or live here in the downtown area with the anticipation of causing trouble to the extent of needing weapons and homemade shields, helmets, etc.
There's this tiny little thing called hurricane Gustav that most everyone is diverting their attention to. The Convention is being pretty well scaled back, certain people are cancelling and/or postponing appearances, etc. They've dealt with simlar/worse fucktards before so I highly doubt that they are the reason the appearances were cancelled. More often than not...these folks are all talk anyway and their goals of huge, organized displays of disorder and destruction end up being a few isolated incidents that are quickly neutralized by police. I actually really do appreciate the sight of people getting out to promote their cause...regardless of whether they are on the same side of the fence as I am. People caring about their society is a good sign. Leave the urine, shanks, clubs, and homemade explosives at home though for fuck's sake. I'm really hoping to see some of these people go overboard and (with me present to yell, "oh shit that was awesome") take a riot stick to the face.

Do you have a camera? If so, you should definitely be filming some of this stuff! If anything big happens you can sell a copy of the footage to some newspaper or The National Enquirer.:lol:
There seems to be a lot of fear slinging going around about Gustav. Certainly one must be prepared, but I see (no judgments on people here, just a general observation) a lot of "wow this is really awful" and none of "we should do x y and z to help". A lot of fear, no solutions. Kind of pointless, but that's what American society is conditioned to do: go to threat level orange, shrug and scratch your ass.
we will all do our share when gasoline, diesel and heating oil spikes again

what we really need to do is continue to increase the populations of the south by.... how many million a year ? or is that by the day ?
I agree. They're stubborn. I can understand if you have no money and no way to move elsewhere... but still: This is the kind of thing that ancients learned quick: you build in a disaster area, you encounter disaster, you don't build there ever again.
I agree. They're stubborn. I can understand if you have no money and no way to move elsewhere... but still: This is the kind of thing that ancients learned quick: you build in a disaster area, you encounter disaster, you don't build there ever again.


Chris- I don't have a camera...but there has been some pretty insane stuff going on. If not for gustav, it'd be all over the media. I haven't fulfilled my dream of seeing one of these assholes get clubbed in the face, but I've got all night and a few more days. I'll post a more proper update later.
So lets see, you want to see someone clubed in the face but you are pissed about rumored weapons of mass destruction... such as "sledge hammers"

whos shoe
which foot it still seems really hard to sort out who was doing what, but evidently most of the crazy shit was caused by smaller, slightly more isolated groups. In addition to the regular loonies, there were others wearing all black with goggles and bandanas over their faces (like the brave, conviction-filled youngsters they are) running around causing chaos. Closer to the convention center, there were windows smashed and cars royally fucked up. They were carrying around bottles of piss and throwing them at everyone and everything. What surprised me was how much stuff ended up happening over near wear I live which, while still right in the downtown area, is pretty well removed from the xcel center and nowhere near the route from the capital lawn to the xcel center.

They knocked over these huge concrete garbage cans all along the street just down from my apartment building. I was watching out my window as the lot of them passed through this little tiny side street where there is some parking (just next to the parking lot I mentioned before that the police were using). A few of them tried to light a dumpster on fire right under my window (unsuccessfully, thankfully). The ended up vandalizing all kinds of stuff and throwing their flyers all over the place, but *mostly* not too bad in that instance. On the other side of the building though (which I later ran around to check out from the safety of the skyway) people were attacking police then outcame the pepper spray and tear gas. I saw some news footage of it later and there were some awesome shots of the fuckers taking pepperspray right to the face. I jumped up and gave my friend a high-five because of how awesome it was. In that little scuffle, a few of them lit a dumpsterr on fire behind an apartment building and almost set the building ablaze. By the time I got back to my apartment I was able to see some stuff going on at an intersection across the street. My view was blocked, but evidently some folks lit a dumpster on fire and pushed it into a police car.

Afterwards, I went outside to meet a friend and we (along with the security guy from my building) sat and watched the thousands of riot police and swat (I even think I saw some MP's) walking down the street. It was crazy how vastly different the mood changed from street to street or block to block. We heard some shouting and then 3 streets full of police all sprinted towards a side street on the next block over and started taking people out in those zip-tie handcuffs by the dozen. I was tempted to see if I could get my picture taken with one of them. They eventually brought in a couple paddy-wagons and even a prison transport bus in to take all the arrestees away. I've seen two trucks making rounds that are full of what seem to be a clean up crew of sorts....but there are couple dozen of these guys that are all at least 6'6" and 250lbs+ of muscle. I want to see those guys action. Things seem to have died down now (the police are all making regular rounds and waiting things out in that parking lot across the street), but they were predicting things would get worse after dark. So we'll see what happens.

As bad as all the aforementioned stuff sounds, the cops did an excellent job of keeping things under control and every incidident was quickly neutralized. For the record...most of the protests were kept relatively peaceful too and police have publicly commended them for it. If not for the relatively small number of people who's only goal was to be assholes, everything would've gone great today. Luckily, most of them seem to have gotten the message that they are not going to be tolerated.

note: just saw the update on the news....283 arrests (129 of which are felonies)and the National Guard has sent additional forces to help the police.
So lets see, you want to see someone clubed in the face but you are pissed about rumored weapons of mass destruction... such as "sledge hammers"

whos shoe
which foot

This shouldn't need clarification, but:

-criminals with no concern for the safety and well-being of anyone or their property in possession of weapons that they intend to use:

bad...not to mention completely unnecessary

-police with riot sticks, pepper spray, and gas to use against said criminals when they start putting everyone around them in danger

a necessary reaction that the dumbfucks have brought upon themselves

I don't ordinarily condone violence, but these people have brought it upon thesmelves...begging for it even. The only thing I'd enjoy more than seeing these assholes beaten is the chance to take a few shots at them myself.