Official Off Topic Thread

urinalcakemix said:
then hopefully Jax will get a sense of humor that a seventh grader would possess
See that's the thing..most of us are a bit old for a seventh grade sense of humor. Glad it seems to work for you though. :lol:
you know , I opened the fridge this morning and someone stole the cheeze ,
is their anyone who has the sudden urge to confess something huh !?
( seeing it's an offtopic thing , I would say : screw those numeric thingy's.)
Yeah, looking back on my childhood, i would say i was quite foolish. I didn't know whether greenbeans were carrots or potatoes, but i did know that to eat bacon, you needed chopsticks and a cammel.
Zax666 said:
Damn you !@#%*&$^#$^#@&@^$*@%@@$&*^%(%&&%$&^%*% 4&%^&@$%*$%*#*^%^8 63*%^#*%*%*#^* %^*&%(&^(*#%& ^*%^*%*($&^)&*_P^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The fucked up thing is that i think my post made more sense than this :lol:
aiight here's the deal y'all ... i was chillen with my friend the other day and she said "i wanna cookie", (kinda random, but hey, whatever) so i called her Snoopy, from the charlie brown comic, Peanuts. she doesnt think that snoopy wants cookies. she thinks that he wants his dog food. um ... NO! Charlie Brown always makes sure that he gets his dog food on time. he's even left school a few times for it. SNOOPY WANTS COOKIES. then she said, "that bird wants the cookies." ok ... first of all ... the cookie would be like twice that bird's size. second, the damn bird cant even talk right, it looks like a buncha arabic-lookin stuff in his little speech bubble things. if anyone reads the comics in the paper or knows what im talkin' about here, please gimme some support. if someone could find an online comic where snoopy wants a cookie, that'd be great. thanks.
I have to admit that I don't think SX are that good anymore. They don't even make my top-20 band list anymore. I still like Russell, but as a whole... naaah. So farewell Symphony X-board, I've found something new AND BETTER. It was fun while it lasted.

*moving over to Threshold forum...*
Macy said:
I have to admit that I don't think SX are that good anymore. They don't even make my top-20 band list anymore. I still like Russell, but as a whole... naaah. So farewell Symphony X-board, I've found something new AND BETTER. It was fun while it lasted.

*moving over to Threshold forum...*

You will be back when the new album is out.
What a dumb-ass thin to say. :loco: I mean I don't think ANY of their music is WOOO-O after X many spins. Just like all other power-metal bands, it's just fun for a while. But that's all.

They didn't stand the test of time.
Macy wrote
What a dumb-ass thin to say. I mean I don't think ANY of their music is WOOO-O after X many spins. Just like all other power-metal bands, it's just fun for a while. But that's all.

They didn't stand the test of time.

I hope you don't treat your relationships like your musical seem to have commitment issues. So you'll get all cuddly with Threshold for a while until the next band comes along and then you'll ditch Threshold in the middle of the night with no more than a letter saying "you didn't stand the test of time"


So farewell Symphony X-board, I've found something new AND BETTER.

i thought you'd gone already.