Official Off Topic Thread

Tea is the drink of a gentleman.

tea > all other hot or warm beverages

Apart from chicken soup when you're ill, which is sort of a beverage. I drink it from a cup anyway.

EDIT: One tin of soup fits perfectly into a Symphony X mug.
Coffee is better. It's the beverage of getting up early, of staying up late, of late night conversations, of last minute term papers, of relaxation. Though I can never pass up a cup of Harney & Sons Hot Cinnamon Sunset, I much prefer drinking coffee.
Cofee has too much of that blech aftertaste. I prefer energy drinks to get me started and keep me up late. Yes, most of them taste like crap..... except Monster. That stuff is kickin'.
Rose Immortal said:
Is it microwave-safe? ;)
Apparently. At least mine hasn't broken yet. Actually that's a lie, I dropped it and the handle broke so I glued it back together. I have another in pristine condition though. It's next to my CDs.
kazahana said:
Apparently. At least mine hasn't broken yet. Actually that's a lie, I dropped it and the handle broke so I glued it back together. I have another in pristine condition though. It's next to my CDs.

How well does supergluing a mug work? Just today my Goethe mug broke :)cry: ) and I want to superglue it back together. Does beverage leak from it at all? Details please.

ThornsOfSorrow said:
But have you ever kissed anyone ever they've drank coffee? It's so gross. I don't really drink either one, but I prefer tea.

HAHAHA the first time I kissed a guy he drank coffee beforehand so he tasted like coffee. I didn't find it to be gross but, naive me, I was kind of scared that if I drank too much coffee I'd end up tasting like it.
The only time I ever drink Cofee, is on a really bad morning, or if I'm in Starbucks. Starbucks is some good cofee.
Beelzebub said:
How well does supergluing a mug work? Just today my Goethe mug broke :)cry: ) and I want to superglue it back together. Does beverage leak from it at all? Details please.
It was just the handle I'm afraid, so I can't comment on how well it would hold the mug structure. I can vouch for the strength of the superglue in the handle application though.
What kind of pizza do you people like?

I like really hot with lots of chilli

I am currently listening to the wiggles: Wake Up Jeff
ThornsOfSorrow said:
But have you ever kissed anyone ever they've drank coffee? It's so gross. I don't really drink either one, but I prefer tea.

I love coffe so that would be a big plus for me :D :D :D
So if I put some Nitrogycerine and Cyanide on a pizza, you'd eat it? (Maybe that's pushing the badger a bit too much.)