Official Off Topic Thread

Taliwakker said:
I hope you don't treat your relationships like your musical seem to have commitment issues. So you'll get all cuddly with Threshold for a while until the next band comes along and then you'll ditch Threshold in the middle of the night with no more than a letter saying "you didn't stand the test of time"

Yes, because having a favorite band is like having a girlfriend. Im sure if Mike Romeo reads this thread he's going to sit in his room and cry for 5 hours listening to "I Don't Believe in Love" on repeat wondering why Macy stopped being a fan.

And I hope Macy enjoys the Threshold forum much more than the SymX forum. Because much like SymX not caring whether or not Macy still wants to be a fan, I don't really care too much if he/she remains on this forum if the only reason they posted here was because its Symphony X's forum and not because they liked the community. Fuck, if just liking a band was the only reason I posted at their forums I'd have left the Petrucci forum years ago and I'd be posting at Bodom's forum every day.

But its all you crazy crazy people here (and at my 2nd and 3rd online stamping grounds, the Petrucci forum and the Blind Guardian forum) that keep me coming back for more ;)
I respect that SymX isn't going to always be everyone's favorite band..can't say as I understand the need to come post something here intended to stir up shit though. *shrug* Your tastes change, fine, move on wishes.
Well... considering you've joined the forum for the wrong reasons to begin with... I'd say 'fair enough'. :cool:

Joining the Treshold forum for the wrong reasons would, however make me question your intelligence. :err:
Symphony x is far from my favorite band, and i haven't listened to them for about a good year now. I still respect them, but at the moment i'm into more thrash and old school death metal. THAT SAID, this is one of the three forums i go to (SilentRealm's being one of them, as well as the forums) and i don't see myself stoping just because i don't listen to symx much and my music tastes have changed.

Though i respect macy for stating her oppinion (or his?), an announcement is a little odd. Best of luck macy. You might wanna change your avatar as well.....
I and my family are devoted fans and nothing will change that.

I like this forum, so you're all stuck with this old man. :loco:
It was awhile since I listened to The Odyssey in the car, I had it in the other day and it was as exciting and fresh as the day I bought it. I had the speakers smoking.
Have you ever felt like just bringing a random thread back to life, even though it hasn't been posted in for like a year?
Wow, I just noticed that jojo messed up this forum so bad that when you go out to the main forum and look at the Google ads, "JoJo" is a subject they're advertising stuff for.
Now 56 pages of randomness. It sounds exactly like my life story.

A.D.H.D. sucks ass.

I'm in the middle of reading through the entire thread right noow, and I'm just adding random shit to this post.

theodyssey said:
Visit ANY american city and they are everywhere. Starbucks is the devil, but i go there anyway because i like their new malt frappuccino or whatever the hell it is.

In Houston Texas, you'll find the edge of the universe. Time Stands Still, but it's not the Iron Hill. (A little BG refference for ya there.) In Houston Texas, you will find a lace that has 2 Starbucks, each one directly across the street from the other.

theodyssey said:
Like lewis black's routine on starbucks...

"and i thought 'when i turn around there cannot possibly be another starbucks right across the street'. So i started to slowly turn around... AND THERE WAS A STARBUCKS!!!"

SHIT!!!!!! My reference was already used!!!!

theodyssey said:
yeah, i make fun of them but they are delicious. Have you tried their turkey pesto sammaches? Outta this world man. I am so bored right now. OH, LOOK AT MY EH! STEVE AVATAR!

I'll get you Eh! Steve, If it's the Last thang I DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah. I got up to page 4 before my A.D.H.D. started saying "go play drums."

A.D.H.D. sucks ass.
I just found out that I passed my EPA exam! Yay! Now I am certified to work on any refrigeration unit. No air conditioner or fridge is safe from me! Muahahahaha!