Official Off Topic Thread

Meat & cheese on my pizza (sausage & 'roni)

I HATE coffee of all kinds. Same goes for tea...Mtn Dew is my drug of choice.

Sometimes it hurts to make stinky....


kazahana said:
It was just the handle I'm afraid, so I can't comment on how well it would hold the mug structure. I can vouch for the strength of the superglue in the handle application though.

Mission failed. When the mug broke, it was right before I had a class, so I just left it and ran out the door, intending to piece it together upon my return. While I was gone, my roommate picked up the big pieces and swept up the small ones for me. In doing so, she threw out a small but important chunk of handle I needed to properly glue it all into one piece. So now my mug is without a handle. Plus, I ended up supergluing my fingers to the mug like five times. It wasn't all a lost cause, now I have a lovely Johann Wolfgang von Goethe pen container.
Sounds like a fun adventure...reminds me of an old guy at some Home Depot in the US. He got his ass superglued to the toilet seat in there and had to be carried through the store still glued to the toilet, since pulling him off at Home Depot would have torn too much skin. So just be happy that it was only your fingers.

And about pizza: Bacon pizza is the shit.
His ass was superglued to a toilet seat? Oh my god. Superglued to a toilet seat. This'll take a few days for me to forget about. It's... dare I say... REDONCULOUS!!!
ThornsOfSorrow said:
Sounds like a fun adventure...reminds me of an old guy at some Home Depot in the US. He got his ass superglued to the toilet seat in there and had to be carried through the store still glued to the toilet, since pulling him off at Home Depot would have torn too much skin. So just be happy that it was only your fingers.

And about pizza: Bacon pizza is the shit.

Hahaha, I heard about that story; he was suing for like $15 million. A few years back there was a story about a guy who was suing Starbucks for $10 million because he was sitting on the can, turned around to get some toilet paper, but ended up crushing his testicles under the toilet seat in the process. Ouch, I guess? I think the man suffered an even bigger blow to his ego when it was publicized that he got his balls smushed.
@Beelzebub: Poor guy. But I don't understand how it would be Starbucks' fault that he crushed his balls. It's not like they made the toilet seat so that it would attack people...
You know what I find very angering, yet funny? When Rap fans are talking in their Rap Lingo Ebonics Slang, and they try and steal rocker lingo and what not, like "Rock on" or even the ever so popular metal fingers. I hate it when rap people try and steal that from us metalheads, but it's so funny to see them use it wrong.
ptah knemu said:
You know what I find very angering, yet funny? When Rap fans are talking in their Rap Lingo Ebonics Slang, and they try and steal rocker lingo and what not, like "Rock on" or even the ever so popular metal fingers. I hate it when rap people try and steal that from us metalheads, but it's so funny to see them use it wrong.
Yes, we as a completely defined community according to the absolute metal constitution own the intellectual properties of "the horns" and the phrase "rock on"... Let's not be stupid please. This has been posted before, possibly even by me:
Yngvai X said:
gotcha ;) Cause Subway = awesome :D Only fast food place I can go and not feel like crap after eating there.

I've gotten sick on 3 occasions from their meatball subs......

Spraypainted for two days, and even missed work because of it.......

You didn't learn the first time? :confused:

I got very sick towards the end of last semester from eating school food and I had crackers and peanut butter for the remainder of the two weeks.
J-Dubya 777 said:
Upper Crust rocks! :headbang:

Yeah it does..damn that was some good pizza!

Shit, I need to talk to you..... It's been a while!


Way too long, dammit! Drop me an e-mail & lemme know what your work schedule's like these days, & I'll give you a call sometime.. :)