Official Off Topic Thread

Yngvai X said:
oooooooh man, I had that shit when I was in Germany. SO FUCKING GOOD!!! I wish we had that in America...we have some similar stuff like gyros but I haven't found a turkish/greek/mediterranean place near me that knows what the fuck Im talking about when I ask for döner :cry:

One town over from me, (where my entire band lives) there's an authentic Greek food place, where I still have yet to eat at. From what I've heard though, it's really good.

Yngvai X said:
Don't forget Subway. I think I remember hearing a while back that Subway was outselling McDonalds in Manhattan.

And theres absolutely nothing like a real NY pizzeria, but Dominos kicks the crap out of Pizza Hut.
Amen to that. New York Pizerias are the best Pizerrias. This has been Reality Check, and We are through!!... Wait. No it hasn't. Nevermind. New York Pizza is the Best Pizza.
Yngvai X said:
Don't forget Subway. I think I remember hearing a while back that Subway was outselling McDonalds in Manhattan.

And theres absolutely nothing like a real NY pizzeria, but Dominos kicks the crap out of Pizza Hut.

Im in Boston for school and im yet to find a pizza place that comes anywhere close to the pizzeria's in NY. Agreed on Dominos too
My friends and I always eat those so we can see who goes the longest without getting water.

POST 900!!!!!
Heh, I'm hungry now.

I don't like those national chain pizzerias much. Local shops all the way. They're cheaper, and the service and quality of food is much better. What do you guys order on your pizzas? I like to get it plain, but I have an uncle who swears by pineapple. It's the most disgusting thing ever. :yuk:

ThornsOfSorrow said:
I wish that there was a Pizza Hut near me. Pizza Hut is the shit.

Have you ever been to Pepe's? I think it's in New Haven. I went once and I fail to see what's so awesome about it.

Yngvai X said:
Don't forget Subway. I think I remember hearing a while back that Subway was outselling McDonalds in Manhattan.

I believe that. Nowadays they're worse than Starbucks, popping up on every street. If their whole ad campaign is weight loss and health, their customers should at least have to walk some distance to get to one.
Beelzebub said:
Carl's Jr. is a Pacific chain

Actually, Carl's Jr. is just the western division..the eastern division of the same restaurants is known as Hardee's.

and I've never seen or been to a Jack in the Box.

Yeah, Jack in the Box is a west of the Mississippi do I miss those! Ultimate Cheeseburgers are the shiz!
ptah knemu said:
New York Pizza is the Best Pizza.

The one time I remember having NY pizza (I was born in Staten Island & lived on Long Island til I was 5, but have no memories of having pizza back then, so I can only go by the visit I had to Manhattan about 9 years ago), it sucked arse. It needed about 2x more cheese, & the sauce was bitter..blech.
Beelzebub said:
Heh, I'm hungry now.

I don't like those national chain pizzerias much. Local shops all the way. They're cheaper, and the service and quality of food is much better. What do you guys order on your pizzas? I like to get it plain, but I have an uncle who swears by pineapple. It's the most disgusting thing ever. :yuk:

Well, down South where I am, you're lucky if you get one good local pizza shop in your town. Last 2 places I have been lucky, but knowing which of the national brands is best is a good thing. ;)

BTW, I agree about pineapple. NASTY. I went to one school where the food was brought in by fast food chains, and if you were late on Domino's day, you had to eat from the teachers' pizza. Which had pineapple, ham, and everything revolting you could think to put on it. I mean, I like pineapple chilled, by itself, but warm, and on a pizza? Gross. I can JUST tolerate it on teriyaki chicken, but not on pizza.

I believe that. Nowadays they're worse than Starbucks, popping up on every street. If their whole ad campaign is weight loss and health, their customers should at least have to walk some distance to get to one.

I'd rather go to McAllisters (sp?) or Quizno's, and even then I tend to go for soup, not sandwiches.

But Starbucks...I will defend Starbucks to the death. One time I did have a local shop that I found superior, but that's only happened in 1 place of many that I've lived in. I've also been lucky because the employees at the Starbucks I go to here are very friendly. It's almost like walking into Cheers because everybody knows my name and says hello. Viva il Frappucino! ;)
Jax said:
The one time I remember having NY pizza (I was born in Staten Island & lived on Long Island til I was 5, but have no memories of having pizza back then, so I can only go by the visit I had to Manhattan about 9 years ago), it sucked arse. It needed about 2x more cheese, & the sauce was bitter..blech.

Blasphemy! maybe you just went to a bad place...

runner up to best pizza = chicago style deep dish (even though as a New Yorker I'd be castrated by any pizzeria that heard me say that*). Although I've only ever had it from Pizzeria Uno, so I'm gussing I've never even really had top notch deep dish...

*true story, after spending 2 semesters of school in Boston and lacking real NY style pizza, I latched onto pizzeria uno's chicago style for all my pizza needs at I'd always ask around if any pizzerias on the island made deep dish...always no, but I had one guy respond to me "Thats Chicago..." to which I responded "yea I know." His answer: "THIS IS NEW YORK PAL!!" :eek:
Rose Immortal said:
But Starbucks...I will defend Starbucks to the death. One time I did have a local shop that I found superior, but that's only happened in 1 place of many that I've lived in. I've also been lucky because the employees at the Starbucks I go to here are very friendly. It's almost like walking into Cheers because everybody knows my name and says hello. Viva il Frappucino! ;)

I enjoy Starbucks a lot. What I don't like is how there's one across the street from another one, which is down the block from a third one, that's around the corner from a fourth. I really like their peppermint mochas.
Beelzebub said:
I've only seen Hardee's in the south.

They have them in the DC area as well, so it's not just a southern thing (though some do believe DC to be part of the 'south', which I always found quite amusing).
Yngvai X said:
oooooooh man, I had that shit when I was in Germany. SO FUCKING GOOD!!! I wish we had that in America...we have some similar stuff like gyros but I haven't found a turkish/greek/mediterranean place near me that knows what the fuck Im talking about when I ask for döner :cry:

I am happy you like it, I wish you find it :)
Jax said:
The one time I remember having NY pizza (I was born in Staten Island & lived on Long Island til I was 5, but have no memories of having pizza back then, so I can only go by the visit I had to Manhattan about 9 years ago), it sucked arse. It needed about 2x more cheese, & the sauce was bitter..blech.

You were just really unlucky. New York City has some of the best pizza ever, and to find a bad place is a one in a million chance. Jax, did you by chance happen to break a mirror or something else bad luck oriented prior to eating that pizza?
ptah knemu said:
You were just really unlucky. New York City has some of the best pizza ever, and to find a bad place is a one in a million chance. Jax, did you by chance happen to break a mirror or something else bad luck oriented prior to eating that pizza?


Nope, no broken mirrors, though I did get cussed out by a drunk at a corner store earlier that night, which still makes me laugh to remember it 9 years later.
Yngvai X said:
runner up to best pizza = chicago style deep dish (even though as a New Yorker I'd be castrated by any pizzeria that heard me say that*). Although I've only ever had it from Pizzeria Uno, so I'm gussing I've never even really had top notch deep dish...

*true story, after spending 2 semesters of school in Boston and lacking real NY style pizza, I latched onto pizzeria uno's chicago style for all my pizza needs at I'd always ask around if any pizzerias on the island made deep dish...always no, but I had one guy respond to me "Thats Chicago..." to which I responded "yea I know." His answer: "THIS IS NEW YORK PAL!!" :eek:

:lol: Classic Chicago pizza is at Lou Malnati's. I'm actually not a big fan of them, but I shouldn't say that because I"m a Chicagoan, right? ;)

Another place that's truly Chicago and kicks everyone's ass is Portillo's. Best. Hot Dogs. Ever. Went there today and thought of this thread..heh.