OMG, Obama made another "historic" moment today.... when will this goodness ever end
fattening worthless food that supports a bad characteristic this country has come to.
Not that I don't eat it though, only once in a while.
I mostly work to stay away from high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners, with the occasional nibble of "bad stuff". Unless beer is bad stuff. Then I consume way too much.
But, Steve, I do agree with the parent part. My wife and I try to keep our kids as clean as possible. It's very difficult in this disposable fast-food society though.
Not only is fast food bad, but worst of all is the amount of preservatives that they put in most foods. It slowly poisons you. Makes me absolutely sick just thinking about it.uke:
Ironically I have been wondering if its not the opposite.... its preserving us and this is why we live so much longer on average.... lol
GLOW IN THE DARK MONKEY'S! I have always wanted a dog that glows in the dark. Maybe this is a sign for things to come!
Seconded, that movie looks awesome.