Official Off Topic Thread

So Peter Dinklage has been cast as Tyrion Lannister in the ASIOAF HBO series.
Seem's pretty right for how I imagined Tyrion to look (with blonde different hair of course).. So good so far :p
Yeah, they named a director, too, but I wasn't familiar with him. Dinklage will kick ass as Tyrion, though.

I'm just waiting to see who plays Daenarys. Y'know, for... plot reasons. :saint:
I saw Opeth/Enslaved two nights in a row and run into Grutle from Enslaved at Amoeba music before the second show and managed to get a photo with him. Definitely a great way to kick off the summer.
Really looking forward to this game

I mean, at first it looks pretty generic, but 1: It's made by Bioware, who recently have been unable to do anything wrong. 2: Apparently the dev team are pretty heavily influenced by GRRM, so there's lots of politics and scheming between lords and bannermen etc (Also... Grey Wardens vs Night's Watch? :lol:)
Aye, after how awesome Mass Effect was, I feel almost obligated to play anything else that Bioware releases.

at :48 (lounge music) :lol:
I have Mass Effect sitting in front of me right now, where it has been for 6 months, and I still can't get enough motivation to finish it. It seems really good, but I never got around to finishing it. Maybe I'll just start over and work my way through it again.

Also, did anyone play Resident Evil 5? I hate to say this, but I thought it was one of the most mediocre games that I have ever played. The storyline was strange, the menu system was fucking horrible and annoying and worst of all, the level designs didn't have the same "creepy and isolated" feel that the last one did. I wanted to like this game so badly, too.:cry:
I didn't think that Resident Evil 4 was creepy at all. That was my only problem with the game is there was nothing scary, you had too much freedom. The only level that was remotely scary (and i will say that it was a badass level for the old school puzzles) was the castle. there were some cool ideas there, but nothing even remotely like RE2.

I still need to try RE5 though. My roomate beat it and he liked it, though i'm not sure how big of an RE fan he is.
Yeah, RE4 wasn't really anything like the older ones (Which they are remaking for the Wii, by the way!:kickass:). I just thought the environments, like the village and the castle where really well designed and had a dark feel to them - which I liked a whole lot. That is completely missing in the new one, topped onto the fact that there are no puzzles that require substantial thought.

Maybe it will grow on me, though. I'm just not that into video games as I once was, so it takes a lot more to entertain me. With that said, I just rented Bioshock and am going to start playing it in a little while. I'm actually looking forward to this one!:cool:
I need help. I need a snack food I can indulge in because I eat too many doritos. I would prefer (but don't require) it to have cheese in it but not be too cheesy or get too much stuff on my fingers.