Official Off Topic Thread

A vinyl copy of Thriller was the first album I ever bought...I remember doing yard work to scrounge up enough money to play it on my sister's record player...RIP MJ.

So I saw Revenge Of The Fallen yesterday...very cool flick, but with a distinct flaw, it's just too long (2.5 hours). Bay could've shaved 20-30 minutes off this movie and it would've been streamlined to near perfection. Oh, and two twin autobots had too much of an unecessary "Jar Jar Binks" feeling of annoyance/stereotype. Still, I wanna see it again very soon, but will likely wait for the DVD.

This review about nails it.
Hey guys :D

I realized I haven't come around in like... probably over a year or so now.

Just thought I'd drop by, fill you guys in on my life and where I've been.
Basically, I've been getting big into Recording and Live Sound; strayed away from the writing a little, but I'm actually recording my own demo album right now. I've got a sample for you guys too. :) It's incomplete, but still presentable. Don't know if I was still around when I started some of my new songs after my old band, but this is probably my best track so far. Click
The song is called "Dream With Me". I wrote it while I was living in Connecticut for like 2 months 2 years ago; was listening to Enter By The Twelfth Gate a lot, and that really inspired me to do something really keyboard based. After being all Midi for about a year and a half, I've just started recording real instruments about a month ago. The guitars, synth leads, drums, and some keys (organ and spacey synth pad in the beginning) are all real; the bass, strings, cello, choir and one synth pad are midi.
That's all for now :p May make a few more posts; dunno how often I'll be back.
Anybody had run-ins with the police? So last night at work, I go for a walk on second break (10:30pm-10:45pm)...when I come back, the cops were there about a mugging that occurred in the vicinity, and since I was the only one unaccounted for when they arrived, I became a suspect.

So they asked me some questions, used a blacklight on my clothing (apparently the victim used pepper spray and it leaves a certain residue), and then asked if I would take a lie detector test. I said I was so nervous that I wouldn't trust it. Then he tells me that between security cameras and showing my picture to the victim in the hospital, now is the time to confess if I did, to which I replied no, it wasn't me. I already hadn't felt good, but by the time they were done with me, I was a complete nervous wreck...pretty much like that until I hit the sack a few hours later.

I've never had an encounter like that...being at least indirectly accused of a crime I didn't commit is no fun, I don't recommend it. Another thing is I'm not gonna feel safe taking walks around there after dark anymore...worst night ever :( And to ABQ, no, I didn't have my gun on me (I know you were thinkin it) :p
Yes I have Ice Dog, through out my life, only real serious once though. I dont mesh well with the cops, I have never been impressed and no one regardless their title is anything more than flesh and bone to me, in other words I dont use "Sir" nor "judge" "your honour" or any of that bullshit. I get their first name and that is how they are addressed. Always a level playing field, so they find themselves up against a brick wall... and I love every fuckin second of it.

Had one shove me from behind once way back, much to his suprise I did NOT fall down and turned to face him, he then proceded to try more shoves but his jaw dropped as I blocked everyone of them with feet firmly planted. He finally gave up and could not deal with my unfaltered eye contact. Picked the wrong dude to try to bully.

Just so everyone knows I grew up in a different time, when we saw the pigs shoot people at Kent State and bash heads at the Chicago convention, bodys coming home in bags from Vietnam... we actually had something to be pissed about. When I was a teen/early 20's cops were REAL rednecks, not what you have all come to think a "redneck" is. It was common for us "longhairs" to be taken to the station and beaten.

Today they have a different form of intimidation, and that is what Ice Dog just described, the game of mind fuck. My approach under any circumstance is to always stand ones ground, never submit to anything, play what ever game is dealt your way on level ground. This way you can walk away intact... perhaps pissed as hell but intact and knowing you gave at least a portion of the frustration you were dealt.

I had a real bad go about 4 years ago and naturally lost, you cant fight city hall as they say, but in the end I had a entire county of "asshole" not knowing what to think or how to deal with me. In the end I walked away, paid a price which I would have anyhow but I walked away and never played their game by their rules or did the dance they wanted me to do. I even got to tell them in court I was the only one that was shooting straight from the hip and thanked them for teaching me real hatred. Deer in the headlight stares indicated I got the point across but I doubt it had much lasting effect... Im sure they returned to business as usual.
Yes I have Ice Dog, through out my life, only real serious once though. I dont mesh well with the cops, I have never been impressed and no one regardless their title is anything more than flesh and bone to me, in other words I dont use "Sir" nor "judge" "your honour" or any of that bullshit. I get their first name and that is how they are addressed. Always a level playing field, so they find themselves up against a brick wall... and I love every fuckin second of it.

Man, that's exactly how I am. I can't call anybody "sir" either, or my stomach tightens up. I just don't have automatic respect for people like that.

I have never been in serious trouble, but as a teenager I had dealt with a few cops for minor things like skateboarding, fireworks etc and when I worked at a tire shop they would stop by occasionally.

Never met any bad or corrupt ones, just a few with serious small penis issues.
I was thinking about this after and remembered that was a nightstick he was pokeing at me with, an easy block but something about that first push to the back.....
I've had NUMEROUS encounters with police in my youth, and a couple not too long ago. I will say one thing, and that being a dick to a cop gets you NOWHERE. Especially if you get one that is dimensionally challenged in the groin area. They CAN fuck up your day/night, regardless of whether or not you did anything. I'm not saying you have to blow them, but even the smallest amount of courtesy/respect goes a long way.

The most recent incident was 2 drunk dudes harassing me in the parking structure where I used to work (There's a popular bar/resturant right next door). They accused me of bothering some female. F-that, I was at work. I didn't know if I was going to be jumped/beaten/robbed and when one of them pushed me up against my own car, I kneed him hard enough in the groin that I rendered him useless for over 10 minutes and had a nasty ass bruise across my knee afterward. Funny thing is, I drop one, and the other guy calls the cops and says I assaulted them. Got arrested, & everything thrown out in court when neither of the 2 a-holes showed up. No witnesses, & no cameras in that section of the garage. Sometimes I'm glad I wasn't carrying, and sometimes I wish I was. People like that don't deserve to breathe air on the same planet I do. The older I get, the less tolerant of this kind of behavior I become....