Official Off Topic Thread

Let me be concise and say that some of us are not content to play by the rules meted out by a society of buffoons.

Others are content to do what they're told and be a peppy little cog in the machine. It's certainly less effort required.
Ken's got it.

Postulate, what i'm about to say is not meant to be even remotely insulting in the least, simply to gain some understanding: it seems like you're looking at this purely in a cynical fashion which I understand, i just find this a bit more inspiring than you do :lol: . I've been saying this same stuff for years, and it's nice to see someone who's not a "fuck-up" saying it and furthermore showing how this system has left her with no direction. Should they hold her hand and show her what she likes? No, but it also shouldn't force her or anyone else to put on blinders to something that may make you interested in a sweet hobby that could turn into a much more fulfilling career.

I never played the game in school. I was a B and C average student peppered with the occasional D. I was perfectly capable, but because i didn't play the game, do the work, all that, it didn't matter if I had learned what they wanted to by the end of the class. I would ace every test because i knew the material, but would lose points because i didn't show the work in the way that THEY wanted you to. There was a specific instance where i got a C in music theory because i bombed a few quizzes, but come finals time I got 98% (forgot to add a sharp somewhere). My teacher didn't understand how i could be satisfied by knowing all of the material at the end of the class, which just doesn't make sense to me.

Sorry if this is a bit disjointed, trying to rush and finish this post before starting work :lol:
I think the valedictorian and Postulate both have valid points. On one hand, a standardized education system will not work for every student, that much is obvious. However, what should the solution be? A more flexible system perhaps, but how does one implement something like that...I'm sure there are examples, but I'm not aware of any offhand. Unfortunately, longstanding institutions are slow to change for the better.
I think the valedictorian and Postulate both have valid points. On one hand, a standardized education system will not work for every student, that much is obvious. However, what should the solution be? A more flexible system perhaps, but how does one implement something like that...I'm sure there are examples, but I'm not aware of any offhand. Unfortunately, longstanding institutions are slow to change for the better.

And quick to change for the worse.
Okay, so I finally saw the "BE" DVD. For such a freaking AWESOME album, this is got to be the absolute worst cut film for a band I've ever seen. WTF???! Horrid cuts, horrid cinematography, bad choice of just about everything.
I'm surprised you only just now saw it. I don't think I dislike(d) it as much as you did, but I have similar complaints. What I did like was hearing some of the differences between the live and album version of the tunes.
I think I've decided it's finally time to hand in my long hair badge. It's summer, it's hot, the hair is dry and it's a bitch to comb out each day. It's pissing me off. End of an era :(