Official Off Topic Thread

Have you heard any of the Thomas Giles disc, Ken? It's called Pulse. It's pretty fantastic and definitely a departure from his stuff with BTBAM. Strikes me as something you could be into.
thanks for the tip. Looking into it. I wish I had some kind of app that would e-mail me whenever a band I'm into releases a new album. It would have to track like 900 bands from mainstream to obscure. Wonder if something like that exists.
Cool man, let me know what you think.

...and yes, a program like that would be cool. Sometimes it's nice to be pleasantly surprised when a band I'm really into has a new release and I find out only a week before hand, but I've definitely been late to certain releases or even flat out missed them for inability to keep track of everything.
I wasted like 10 perfectly good dollars on their last album. I'm not gonna buy that one unless I hear it in full first.


Same here! Can't say that I have been really impressed with it.

The albums I'm really looking forward to this year are: Anglagard, Anekdoten, Wobbler and Derek Sherinian.

Looks like it may be the best year for music releases ever!
What's happening with Fates? I'm happy for the Arch fans (I'm not one of them) to be getting some new tunes, but glad they aren't putting it under the Fates Warning name. Is Ray still off doing Redemption?

I think there was an interview with Joey where he said that Ray was taking forever to start recording his parts. That's all I know. It's probably going to be delayed forever...but such is life.
@ Kenneth R. and any other China Mieville fans here:

Kind of OT, but I just read that China Mieville has a new book called Embassy Town coming out in a few weeks. The plot sounds extremely interesting!
The lesson I learned this week: NEVER EVER EVER GET A FUCKING KIDNEY STONE:yell:

You got that right!!!!!!!
When I went to the hospital, I was begging the nurse and doctor to "just kill me, please."
By far the worst pain I have ever felt. My wife has given birth twice and she says she
would have 100 kids before she had another stone. She almost died because of kidney
blockage and infection. Good luck to you.
The forums are really booming these days!

I started practising some double-bass work, since I seem to be lacking in that department.
So far, I can play 16th notes up to 155 BPM without losing it.
I shall update with my progress in a week or two. I'm hoping to be able to play at 180 BPM without thinking twice (not expecting this after a week or two), so we shall see!
incorrect. Just about every style of music/riff is alternate picked.(To an extent obviously) Its not some sort of rare lost art. Accept amoung guitar hero kids, who think the only way to play a guitar is with down strokes.

Double Bass is more of a genre specific thing, and is far from used in every genre of music. Tisk tisk noob

EDIT: Obviously I know you where not being entirely serious... But that doesn't take away from your level of suck, gay, or noob my friend!
proulxski, I didn't know you could sing! I took vocal lessons a long time ago and got really serious about it then stopped when I was 16 for some reason and now I suck again. Do you have any advice?