Official Off Topic Thread

I've tried to get into Agalloch so many times, but it always fails. I've only heard a few songs, and they tend to drag on for way too long and without purpose. What do you guys think is their best album (or songs) so I can try again?

I only ask because for years I couldn't stand Opeth, but then one day they just "clicked" with me. Now they're one of my top bands.
I swear by Ashes Against The Grain, pretty much everything on the album rules but the choice cut is the final epic in three parts, This Fortress Is Burning. The screams at the end of bloodbirds before the noise section is godly!

The Mantle also has a lot of amazing stuff on it, right now things are bullshit so I've been finding comfort in A Desolation Song (yes, oh so emo. Fuck off, this song and booze helps with life)

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I've tried to get into Agalloch so many times, but it always fails. I've only heard a few songs, and they tend to drag on for way too long and without purpose. What do you guys think is their best album (or songs) so I can try again?

I only ask because for years I couldn't stand Opeth, but then one day they just "clicked" with me. Now they're one of my top bands.

*shrugs* agalloch is agalloch. Then again, I can listen to burzum's dem som engang var which is basically the same riff played over and over for 9 mins and enjoy it. Zach is right on with Our Fortress Is Burning being their epic high point.
OMG guys, OMG.


If you're not excited for this, you suck.
I've tried to get into Agalloch so many times, but it always fails. I've only heard a few songs, and they tend to drag on for way too long and without purpose. What do you guys think is their best album (or songs) so I can try again?

I only ask because for years I couldn't stand Opeth, but then one day they just "clicked" with me. Now they're one of my top bands.

I'm the same way. Too much "twinkle twinkle."
Agalloch is listening music, not verse chorus verse. You just have to put it on, sit back and relax.

Relax? Good music should make everyone in the room uncomfortable!
they like fanmail and will answer you personally.

alright, i'll stop plugging them now and leave you with this.
So you guys heard any good 2011 albums yet?
I'm listening to Magic Pie - The Suffering Joy and it's a good prog/symphonic rock album.

I wasted like 10 perfectly good dollars on their last album. I'm not gonna buy that one unless I hear it in full first.

Pallas and Pendragon also have new ones out, I believe.
Pendragon's isn't out yet, but I got an album from Dec. 2010/Jan. 2011. "The Octopus" by Amplifier, pretty good, of the 16 songs, there aren't any that I don't like