Official Off Topic Thread


I totally knew it would be downgraded to a tropical storm by the time it hit NY. Still severe, yes, but not worthy of all the media hype at all. Now I'm just worried with how I'll get to work since the subway system is down.
Preparation is typically a good thing. ;)

But, yeah, good luck.

On another front, I joined a bowling league. I haven't bowled since, like, 2002-ish. Should be interesting...

I'm terrible at bowling, lol. What's strange, though, is that I play significantly better on some days in comparison to other days. I don't know what causes the difference, but something just clicks.
On another front, I joined a bowling league. I haven't bowled since, like, 2002-ish. Should be interesting...

I used to bowl in leagues when I was younger. I had a 185 average and my highest game is 256.
Bowling is great fun. I know you will have some beer frames in your games. Golf is another sport
that is really fun. Especially when you can hit the ball where you want to. I made a hole-in-one in 2002.

I've always thought golf the most boring sport known to man, eclipsing even baseball. Bowling on the other hand is really fun, but I could never play it seriously in a league.
My last serious average was a 213, if I recall.

My last night in my league in Lubbock, the same night I accepted the job offer to move to my current job here in Albuquerque, was a pretty crazy night. I bowled a 693 to crush the hopes and dreams of the anchor on the other team who was having the night of his life. I was fairly automatic that night. I still haven't hit a 700 series yet though. I hit a 697 a few years after that 693. I was pissed to no end!
Turns out the whole commute thing was media hype, too! :lol:

Couple of onramps were sort-of flooded but that was about it. I actually got to work earlier than usual this morning.
I've always thought golf the most boring sport known to man, eclipsing even baseball.

Hey now!

Golf isn't my thing either, though. I generally have more fun riding the cart around between holes than I do actually playing the game. Bowling is fun, but I think it has to do a lot with it being a social, stand-still kind of sport. You drink, talk, hang out with friends, and occasionally throw a ball down the lane in a display of either brute force or sleek accuracy.
I can go either way. I prefer the beauty of a ballerina sliding across the floor, gathering angular momentum, until boiling over in a frothing, seething storm, unleashing its blind fury- ultimately learning some pins, who's yo' daddy!
^ It's very good, but it's not my favourite style of beer in general.

Listened to my copy of Leprous - Bilateral.
Great album! Track 5 is worth the price alone; one of the most interesting tracks I've heard in a long time.
They've definitely created their own sound, so this album sounds like nothing you've ever heard before. Pick it up!