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I'm not normally a big fan of RPGs, either, but Skyrim (and Oblivion before it) is amazing. It's those turn-based RPGs that annoy me.

I normally play mostly Resident Evil games. Oh, and Metroid. Also Mario.
Never was a huge fan of RPG's. I couldn't really get into Oblivion - I tried twice. But'll have a hard time getting off the computer (or TV if playing on a console). Game looks amazing, map is immense, quests are numerous and diverse. 40 hours in so far and it never got boring. Fighting exclusively with two-handed weapons is a challenge, I tell you.

I'm also excited for the next Assassin's Creed and Zelda which are my 2 favorite video game franchises.
RPG's are the best. I played Oblivion in the past and loved it so I'm familiar with The Elder Scrolls. I checked Skyrim and it's pretty damn amazing. Wish I had the time for awesome games like this.
Never was a huge fan of RPG's. I couldn't really get into Oblivion - I tried twice. But'll have a hard time getting off the computer (or TV if playing on a console). Game looks amazing, map is immense, quests are numerous and diverse. 40 hours in so far and it never got boring. Fighting exclusively with two-handed weapons is a challenge, I tell you.

It's a great game; it's one of the few games that i can think I've played for an hour but look at the clock and see that four have actually passed. Can't say I'm big on two-handed weapons; I like to sneak around and snipe with arrows. But I guess sometimes brute force is the way to go!

I'm also excited for the next Assassin's Creed and Zelda which are my 2 favorite video game franchises.

Never played any AC games but I've heard good things. I also can't wait for the new Zelda; Twilight Princess was an amazing game.

RPG's are the best. I played Oblivion in the past and loved it so I'm familiar with The Elder Scrolls. I checked Skyrim and it's pretty damn amazing. Wish I had the time for awesome games like this.

Look at it this way - if you only play it for about an hour or two every other day, you still probably won't have found everything in the game by this time next year!

I can't wait for Half-Life 3...

Are they doing HL3 or are they going to do Episode 3?
Anyone know what happened to the band Lumsk? Last update 2009 (NEW VOCALIST zomg) then nothing. Their last album before radio silence was fucking amazing. Would be a shame if they put it on ice.
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It's rumoured to be Half-Life 3, but who knows... other than Valve.

I bet even the guys at Valve don't know. And whichever it is, we'll get to play it in 2019 or something. :lol:

Seriously, didn't they start the whole episode thing to get the games out faster, rather than making us die of old age waiting for a sequel? That worked out really well...
I'm pretty sure Valve got a lot of their time tied up in the L4D games, so Episode 3 was kind of put on the back burner. Which sucks, since I really don't care for the L4D games (particularly the second one).

Anyway, check out this guy:

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On this Christmas break I try to forget the whole thing and concentrate on music, movies, and sleeping. Fortunately my vacation lasts until the end of January. :D

Yesterday I watched an epic time travel movie called Timecrimes. It was so weird that I actually started to like it a lot. Not as good as Primer though.

edit: I think I just killed a great song. I am sorry, I was too bored. And The Oracle.mp3

(I wanted to figure out a couple of melodies so I ended up writing down a bit more, and then out of nowhere came the experimental sounds... :D)
I am one week into P90X2, and loving it!

I plan on completing the whole exercise routine (15 discs long, used over a period of 90 days), as well as following the included meal plan.

Cooking and eating the food is, by far, the hardest part. I cook for 3-4 days in advance and store it in containers. I eat the same thing every day for a week, and then change it.
An example of what I did for the first week:
-6 egg whites, 2 strips of turkey bacon, and half a cup of 1% yogurt (unflavoured)
-Handful of almonds
-Fried (in spray, not oil) chicken breast, with 3/4 cup of whole wheat rice (the rice is the worst part of the entire diet), and broccoli
-2 rice cakes (couldn't find any at the time, so supplemented with baked pita chips)
-Fast-fry steak, half a sweet potato, and broccoli

I am allowed one TBSP of condiments per day, and I have to drink a lot of water. The hardest part is switching from double-double coffee to black.

I'm pretty lean, and in decent shape as it is, so many people don't understand why I'm doing this... it's just... something I've gotta do; a personal goal I've set.

Note: this has nothing to do with New Year Resolutions