Official Off Topic Thread

Gentleman, tonights Talking Dead had Scott Ian of Anthrax in the discussion. He's a huge Walking Dead fan!

I saw that, but I missed seeing my first walking dead episode. I was pissed I couldn't get home earlier......Will hopefully be catching up soon. One of the few things I look forward to, now that I have cable TV again....been about 2 years or more....LOL
Detective, I thought you might get a kick out of this. I'm at the SX show Feb 17th in SF when I look up
in the balcony and who is there? Tony LaRussa. At the end of the show Russell thanked him for coming
so they must be friends of something. On another baseball note, my Giants now have both Mike Fontenot
and Ryan Theriot.
I saw that, but I missed seeing my first walking dead episode. I was pissed I couldn't get home earlier......Will hopefully be catching up soon. One of the few things I look forward to, now that I have cable TV again....been about 2 years or more....LOL

J-Dub, if you have Comcast, Walking Dead in on On Demand or else Hulu on the computer. You've
got to watch from the begining.
Detective, I thought you might get a kick out of this. I'm at the SX show Feb 17th in SF when I look up
in the balcony and who is there? Tony LaRussa. At the end of the show Russell thanked him for coming
so they must be friends of something. On another baseball note, my Giants now have both Mike Fontenot
and Ryan Theriot.

Wow, that LaRussa thing is really weird! I guess now that he's retired he has plenty of time to go to metal shows! And it's cool you guys now have Fontenot and Theriot; they played well together with Chicago. Not sure if they'll be able to compete with the other infielders for much playing time, though. What ever happened to Freddy Sanchez?
Freddy Sanchez is slowly coming back from the shoulder injury from last year. In the meantime, Theriot and Fontenot will fill
in as needed. They tore it up this passed Sunday.

Glad to hear it. Looking over the box score I see they're using Theriot at short, but I doubt that will last due to his subpar throws to first (at least with the Cubs). Still, he's a very consistent small ball hitter. I hope you guys get Posey back soon - it was sad to see him get injured last season so early.
Buster Posey is back and looking great. It looks like he was never injured. The Giants plan on not having him catch as much so he will see some time at first base.

They're going to use him at first? First time I'm hearing of this, but it sounds great! The guy is a powerhouse hitter, and Huff seems like he's on his way out, so it looks like a win-win.
Some of the songs I love, some others I don't quite... "get"? I need to wait and see if they'll grow on me before I can agree to that.
Re-skinned the ole drums today (tops only). Took me a while... Snare, Bass, and 5 toms. I also replaced a broken 8" Splash.
Tuning didn't take as long as I'd thought (it's not perfect), and they need to be returned after a few hits anyway. All in all, my drums sound much better. I accidentally tuned them a lot lower than usual, but I kind of like it. The bass drum sounds way more bad-ass... not bad for a 20" drum.
Well I'm as new as they come to Anathema. The only album I've heard is the We're Here b/c blah blah. I'm guessing that the new album is a must have based on the reactions here?
It's a must-have if you like Anathema. I think it's even better than WHBWH and I enjoyed that one a lot as well (although I'm aware that some people didn't).