I still like WHBWH better tbh.
You're crazy.
I also pre-ordered. It owns, definitely a candidate for album of the year.
Almost every song on Weather Systems builds up progressively and like every 2nd song has an omg climax.
Every individual song is not only better than any song on WHBWH (which I didn't find to be very good besides the song 'Everything'), but the album kind of works like a concept album in its structure. Perfect blend of songs.
The only weak part is the talky part of the last song.
And the talky part works too. It sets the mood. It kind of punches you in the face. But it doesn't work so well if you're a "flip to track X" kind of listener.
Okay so with Anathema, In Mourning and now maybe Wintersun, 2012 is shaping up to be a pretty fine year."We are very excited to announce that we are going to be headlining the 2012 Heidenfest Tour in October. There was some setbacks with the album during the winter (again), but as usual we have managed to ram through them. (Big thanks to our management for helping us through the tough times!). I´ve been mixing my ass off and things are going smooth and steady now and the album will be released late summer. Stay tuned for bigger updates about the album (or should we say "albums", wink wink!)“ Jari and the Wintersun boys, cheers!