Official Off Topic Thread

There was something on the History Channel a while back about the origin of Spam. It's an acronym but I don't remember what it stands for; all I remember is that it came from Hormel, and in meat packing plants they'd always throw away the meat on pork shoulders. Some Italian chef took the meat, seasoned it, cooked it, and voila, spam.

On a more disgusting note, has anyone ever tried Potted Meat Food Product? A friend of mine works at a grocery store and was telling me about it.
Beelzebub said:
On a more disgusting note, has anyone ever tried Potted Meat Food Product? A friend of mine works at a grocery store and was telling me about it.

:ill: Damn, I checked the site. That sounds awful...

Btw, returned amongst others this:
From Virtual Entity of Relevant Acronyms (Version 1.9, June 2002) :

Send Phenomenal Amounts of Mail (Usenet, EMP, telecommunication-slang)
Pain in the ass...

My roommate and I got "relocated" (we were given four hours notice to move) so the view from our bedroom changed from this:


to a brick wall. :mad:

I've since spent most of my time studying as opposed to staring out the window, so I guess it's not that bad... just the short notice is what gets on my nerves. That, and I don't have a rod in my closet.
I read the top part of that. I would've read the whole thing, but I dont have the attention span for that, so I decided not to try. That was disgusting. And it said something about dehydrated water. Can you dehydrate water without turning it into just oxygen? (Studying for my Chemistry Mid Term so I'm thinking all science and stuff.)
Mmm..... beef hearts! Partially defatted cooked pork fatty tissue pwns you all! I'm in bad enough shape as it is, if not I would seriously try that just for fun! But besides that, my diabetes would kick in and it would probably kill me lmao!!!
ptah knemu said:
Can you dehydrate water without turning it into just oxygen? (Studying for my Chemistry Mid Term so I'm thinking all science and stuff.)

You might want to re-open that chem book, or maybe the dictionary, or perhaps both. The term "dehydrate" doesn't mean to remove hydrogen, it means to remove water. The root "hydr-" means water, from Greek roots, and is present in other words as well, such as hydroelectric, hydraulic, hydroplane, hydrostatic, etc. These should not be confused with hydrocarbons, which don't have water in them, but are strictly organic compounds made from hydrogen and carbon, as the prefix "hydro" in chemistry refers to hydrogen ex: hydrochloric acid, hydronium, etc.
Beezlebub said:
You might want to re-open that chem book, or maybe the dictionary, or perhaps both. The term "dehydrate" doesn't mean to remove hydrogen, it means to remove water. The root "hydr-" means water, from Greek roots, and is present in other words as well, such as hydroelectric, hydraulic, hydroplane, hydrostatic, etc. These should not be confused with hydrocarbons, which don't have water in them, but are strictly organic compounds made from hydrogen and carbon, as the prefix "hydro" in chemistry refers to hydrogen ex: hydrochloric acid, hydronium, etc.

OMG a geek! I've found my kin! Thats a compliment btw, in case you werent sure lol. Hold on, before I get too excited, did you quote that from a book or off the top of your head? I'm a total science and chemistry geek, everyone around me gets annoyed because I'm always going off on those sort of tangents. My boyfriend once made the mistake of questioning why coke tastes different in bottles than it does in cans and I spent about 15 minutes explaining oxidation to him lol.

Don't even get me going on quantum theory!
SilentRealm said:
OMG a geek! I've found my kin! Thats a compliment btw, in case you werent sure lol. Hold on, before I get too excited, did you quote that from a book or off the top of your head? I'm a total science and chemistry geek, everyone around me gets annoyed because I'm always going off on those sort of tangents. My boyfriend once made the mistake of questioning why coke tastes different in bottles than it does in cans and I spent about 15 minutes explaining oxidation to him lol.

Don't even get me going on quantum theory!

Hahaha, thank you, and what I said did come off the top of my head :D

I'm studying engineering, and this semester I'm taking the last class I need to fill my chemistry requirement, so I guess you can say the stuff is pretty fresh in my mind. Last term my favorite class was calculus. When I was in high school I was such a dork (moreso than I am now o_O ).

I assume ptah is taking Regents exams in June, a series of tests people in New York are required to take. When I took them I got 90 on my chemistry test, but I got a perfect score in Spanish. I absolutely love languages, and I admire multilinguists. I'm a geek when it comes to etymology. Unfortunately I really don't have the time to learn a new language right now, but I do plan on improving my Spanish (like remembering stuff besides the swear words) and taking up some language that doesn't use the Roman alphabet.

My family and friends call me jeopardy smart. I know all sorts of random shit (can you tell? haha) but when it comes to doing something... anything that I need to learn, my brain freezes.
So Beelze, what you were saying, was that dehydrate, in the argued context (dehydrated water) means that it's removing the water from water?