Official Off Topic Thread

I second that motion. Or I just try to recall my past life. i was the Pimp MASTAH back in Atlantis!!!
Crapola: Very sorry to hear that, but he sounds like a douchebag anyways (sorry if that offends). You'll find something better.

SilentRealm: WTF WAS THAT GUY THINKING LEAVING YOU!!! Especially to "reach a financial destination". I would take love over $ anyday. Oh well, I'm sure there are plenty of ppl just dying to be with you. Good luck to you all!
Taliwakker said:
but we have porn and fireworks....think of what your son will miss out on

hmm, forget what he is missing out on.. thats what IM missing out on :lol: (you do make a valid argument)

ThornsOfSorrow said:
This proves that everyone just needs to have an imaginary boyfriend (or girlfriend), like I do. It's much less stressful

yes but REAL bf/gf's have umm.. benefits.. that imaginary ones dont..

MoFo said:
SilentRealm: WTF WAS THAT GUY THINKING LEAVING YOU!!! Especially to "reach a financial destination". I would take love over $ anyday. Oh well, I'm sure there are plenty of ppl just dying to be with you. Good luck to you all!

I'd take love over $ too :( but I guess I'm old fashioned.

Main thing I'm gonna miss is his labret ring, that thing was awesome to play with while kissing :(, and the fact that I dont know any other metalheads here
turke said:
Without money, there can't be no love. At least in the times we are living. That is a fact everyone should accept.

I've been broke lots of times, and yet still had love...
SilentRealm said:
yes but REAL bf/gf's have umm.. benefits.. that imaginary ones dont..

Well.... umm.... let me think.... *tries to think of a clever and witty response* Nope, nothing. You win.
MoFo said:
I've been broke lots of times, and yet still had love...

Look what Maslow says :)


And the first two steps require money (if you are not living in a jungle :)
Taliwakker said:
To quote a Taliesin song

"Maslow was wrong"

I'm with Tali.

I believe that without love, and I mean LOVE (true caring for another person, dont get it confused with sexual attachment) that self esteem and personal achievement are almost impossible to attain. You should never forget about the people that care about you when youre going for the top of the ladder, otherwise its going to be a pretty bleak existence up there.

Happiness brings success, success doesnt bring happiness.

@ Turke about needing money to find love in this day and age - you're obviously dating the wrong women.