Official Off Topic Thread

Tubbs Mcgee said:
You got a fishing net, a can of soda, and a coin? If so, I could think of something. :D

- hehehehehehe
*scratches head* So you want him to put the coin into the can of soda, then pour the soda out onto the fishing net and have the soda go through the net while the coin stays on top?

I'm sure that this is something perverted, but no matter how hard I try, I don't understand. :confused:
1by4by9 said:
Well, it's 1:15 AM here and I've got nothing else to do.

Tubbs Mcgee said:
You got a fishing net, a can of soda, and a coin? If so, I could think of something. :D
- hehehehehehe

ThornsOfSorrow said:
*scratches head* So you want him to put the coin into the can of soda, then pour the soda out onto the fishing net and have the soda go through the net while the coin stays on top?
I'm sure that this is something perverted, but no matter how hard I try, I don't understand. :confused:

Tubbs Mcgee said:
LMAO, actually, it really means nothing! I just came up with 3 random things and typed them in. You can imagine whatever you want about it!
- hmm...

ThornsOfSorrow said:
Aw, I was excited to know what it really meant. Thanks for smashing my dreams.

DoomsdayZach said:
sounded rather mcgyverish to me.

1by4by9 should do it anyway.
Here is a recent chat transcript from my 16 year old cousin. I gave her some SX, DT, and Kamelot songs a few weeks back. She never listened to metal before.

Anori Olko [10:22 P.M.]: so what songs from Symphony X and Kamelot do you like ( I know their style is quite different from Dream Theater )
Cousin [10:22 P.M.]: i like soul society
Cousin [10:23 P.M.]: this pain
Cousin [10:23 P.M.]: and the black halo i think its called
Cousin [10:23 P.M.]: lemme cheq
Anori Olko [10:23 P.M.]: not Somewhere in Time (The Haunting) ?
Cousin [10:23 P.M.]: scares me when im alone
Cousin [10:23 P.M.]: lol
Anori Olko [10:24 P.M.]: the song ?
Cousin [10:24 P.M.]: imagine walking through a cemetery
Cousin [10:24 P.M.]: with that playing
Cousin [10:24 P.M.]: but i like his voice alot
Anori Olko [10:25 P.M.]: yea i know! very powerful
Cousin [10:25 P.M.]: n stmphony x
Cousin [10:25 P.M.]: whispers, a winter's dreamcandlelight fantasia and the odyssey of course
Anori Olko [10:29 P.M.]: all of odyssey
Anori Olko [10:29 P.M.]: ?
Cousin [10:30 P.M.]: all 24minutes
Anori Olko [10:30 P.M.]: lol wow
Anori Olko [10:30 P.M.]: didn't expect that from a person just discovering them
Cousin [10:30 P.M.]: i like it alot

(me thinking: thank you god)

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Since this is the off-topic thread, I'm gonna have to say YEAH STILLERS! I've lived about an hour north of P-Burgh my whole life, so they're my home team, but for the last two years I've been going to college in Pittsburgh, and it's absolutely INSANE HERE!!!! And this is Jerome Bettis's season, and since he's the only athlete I ever owned a jersey of, I have to give him props. Yeah Steelers! This year we got that one for the thumb!

(Really, I'm sorry, I'm just mind-bendingly drunk right now.)
OfSinsAndShred said:
Since this is the off-topic thread, I'm gonna have to say YEAH STILLERS! I've lived about an hour north of P-Burgh my whole life, so they're my home team, but for the last two years I've been going to college in Pittsburgh, and it's absolutely INSANE HERE!!!! And this is Jerome Bettis's season, and since he's the only athlete I ever owned a jersey of, I have to give him props. Yeah Steelers! This year we got that one for the thumb!

(Really, I'm sorry, I'm just mind-bendingly drunk right now.)

You think you're happy? I got 5 extra points on a test for saying that I thought the Steelers would win, and I don't even care about football. You type pretty well for someone who's drunk.
.... Why didnt John Madden draw the funny lines on the TV? Come on!! And I voted Steelers also. Why wasnt it a poll? It would've been quite interesting.

Also, I just want opinions before doing something that may not be appreaciated by anybody. Do we need a Now Playing thread? I remember we used to have that little Now Playign thing at the bottom of each post, but it kinda just disappeared.