Official Off Topic Thread

Tubbs Mcgee said:
Wow, and by the looks of your sig (And your name) you like Opeth, is this true?

And Symphony X, obviously.

The only Symphony X forum member I see posting on the Opeth one (Well, the only one I have noticed.) is Montu Sekhmet.

- Only one

Ahh...there used to be somebody else who posted at both: dorian gray. He was actually the one that PM'ed me with a recommendation to check out SymX in the first place, so it's his fault I'm over here. He was a pretty nice guy, and I respected him because he could keep his head in debates where he and I had totally the opposite view.

And yeah, I definitely like Opeth. :)

I just ended up getting disgusted by the way the Opeth fans talked about the band members, their families (even worse!), and this KNOWING that Mike and Anna Akerfeldt read the forum! That's why I left...I didn't want to be associated with that. And that's why I prefer this forum--because there's actually some respect and some quality control around here. I know some people prefer unmoderated forums, but I really can't have fun in a place that is so TOTALLY out of control. What's the fun if every conversation becomes an incoherent flame war?
Rose Immortal said:
Ahh...there used to be somebody else who posted at both: dorian gray. He was actually the one that PM'ed me with a recommendation to check out SymX in the first place, so it's his fault I'm over here. He was a pretty nice guy, and I respected him because he could keep his head in debates where he and I had totally the opposite view.

And yeah, I definitely like Opeth. :)

I just ended up getting disgusted by the way the Opeth fans talked about the band members, their families (even worse!), and this KNOWING that Mike and Anna Akerfeldt read the forum! That's why I left...I didn't want to be associated with that. And that's why I prefer this forum--because there's actually some respect and some quality control around here. I know some people prefer unmoderated forums, but I really can't have fun in a place that is so TOTALLY out of control. What's the fun if every conversation becomes an incoherent flame war?
Yeah... well, luckily it has calmed down a "very small bit" over there since Moonie (The forum co-god) put in a warning tally list. Three strikes and you're out! He doesn't seem to be giving anyone a mark though... I hope it catches on.

I am starting to get tired of the B.S. that goes on around there at least once every 2 or 3 days...

- Chunks Mcgee
Rose Immortal said:
I just ended up getting disgusted by the way the Opeth fans talked about the band members, their families (even worse!), and this KNOWING that Mike and Anna Akerfeldt read the forum! That's why I left...I didn't want to be associated with that. And that's why I prefer this forum--because there's actually some respect and some quality control around here. I know some people prefer unmoderated forums, but I really can't have fun in a place that is so TOTALLY out of control. What's the fun if every conversation becomes an incoherent flame war?
I posted there once, attempting to give my opinion on why Opeth DIDN'T sell out by signing to Roadrunner, then I got yelled at by a lot of very immature people, so I got scared/angry and left.
Luckily for me, I'm good at taking verbal beatings. I'll probably last longer than anyone there. :D

(Except there is one person who has been posting on the forum continually until 2001, and he's also the only original member left.)

- Just ignore the idiots on the Opeth forum (There are lots of them, but some of them are actually quite enciteful. )
I just looked at the Opeth Forum. (Probably not going back any time soon though.) My head almost exploded, when I saw that there was a thread that said "What is Shredding?" I almost smashed in my monitor when I saw someone actually say that John 5 is the best guitarrist that ever lived. I got almost as angry at that as my keyboardist does when I accidentally throw a grenade in Halo on XBox live.
Tubbs, quote this and post this up there, since I refuse to go back after reading such atrocities.

To whoever said John 5 is the greatest guitarrist ever...

Pick up some Yngwie, Jason Becker, John Petrucci, Mike Romeo, and other great guitarrists and tell me that John 5 is the greatest guitarrist ever. Obviously, you lack in knowledge of guitar players.

From, the Lord of Atlantis, Ptah Khnemu.

Quote that, (btw, thats how my username was originally intended to be spelled.)
Yeah, we're bringing stuff out of this forum and into others. But if that's against the rules, I apologize on behalf of myself, and to Tubbs for putting him in danger of punnishment.
Beelzebub said:
Does that make it any more acceptable? How do you think the regulars over there feel when you make yourselves a nuisance?

Actually, they responded to his message pretty well. They answered it with relativity and no sense of disposition.

But fine, if that's against the rules, then, well... it's a little too late now, but from now on, I won't do it.

- Holy commas galore.
PoisonSeed said:
Must be very retarded as well, else why waste the talent with that cheap fuck Manson? Hope he can express it through his solo stuff at least...

What is it people have against Manson? His marketing image?