Official reputation thread

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Geez, I don't check in here for a day, and all of a sudden I've got lots of catching up to do.

Has anyone figured out:
(a) How many times you can give out rep in 24 hours?
(b) How many people you have to spread it around to before you can give it back to the same person?

I haven't counted, but I think I've had to rep at least 20 people before I could finally payback xeno again.
Pfft... what's with all the pansy rep points. :loco:

I had to wait a couple of days on this thread just to get the last 20 points to get to my next dot..... I feel like a charity fund donating to all the minnows... :Smug:

(Of course, there ARE exceptions ;) ).


For every post, you must rep TEN people, hence I didn't reply to Manny on the first page where he nearly gave me nad rep cos he though I hadn't given him good rep even though I posted after him..... I was making my post while he added his. :loco:

Course I repped him a few moments later,, but would he listen? Noooooo!

I'm afraid to think what certain people who have been SPAMMING this thread now require by way of rep giving!! :eek: (LoTO. Lethe, U-Symphony ;) )

Spike (Who is even noce he manages to give rep to Sioux :blush: )
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