stormy Sketcher Nov 22, 2002 4,402 683 113 41 washington state Jul 6, 2003 #681 gave some more rep to everyone i could Reactions: ante, CONCLAVE OBSCURUM, _Aragorth_ and 1 other person
Steve New Metal Member Jun 25, 2002 11,951 643 0 Fairfield, CT (USA) Jul 6, 2003 #682 Starting to give more rep... Reactions: coronerox and _Aragorth_
I Incendiare hejdundrande skitsnack Apr 23, 2003 10,307 776 113 Jul 6, 2003 #683 ...was able to rep five people before getting the rule. Reactions: Brood of Evil and Lolita Vampiriá
Steve New Metal Member Jun 25, 2002 11,951 643 0 Fairfield, CT (USA) Jul 6, 2003 #684 used up my rep... Reactions: ante and Incendiare
Brood of Evil The Drapery Falls Jan 8, 2003 363 102 43 46 NS, Canada Jul 6, 2003 #685 Aww I had only two rep left to give Oh well, tomorrow's another day Reactions: ante, witch and Incendiare
Spike Blinded By The Light... Jul 15, 2001 9,060 402 83 42 Australia Jul 6, 2003 #686 Caelestia said: hm its bad if you've worked all week and you still have to go in on sunday. people look forward to lazing around on sundays. repped some people. Click to expand... Funny you should mention that..... I just had to work 9-6 without a break yesterday (Sunday). ...and this coming of the back of a LAN party the night before (ie: Not much sleep) For the record this morning (Sorry, this afternoon now) I am officially Hammered. P.S. Li, check your User CP. Spike Reactions: Fevermist, xenophobe, _Aragorth_ and 1 other person
Caelestia said: hm its bad if you've worked all week and you still have to go in on sunday. people look forward to lazing around on sundays. repped some people. Click to expand... Funny you should mention that..... I just had to work 9-6 without a break yesterday (Sunday). ...and this coming of the back of a LAN party the night before (ie: Not much sleep) For the record this morning (Sorry, this afternoon now) I am officially Hammered. P.S. Li, check your User CP. Spike
xenophobe Active Member May 17, 2002 12,288 700 113 SF Bay Area Jul 7, 2003 #687 Rep given to: Falling Ascension Hearse Caelestia Demonic BIF Ailenman Spike Stoner Sioux And the rest I owe to, I couldn't give yet... Reactions: ante, coronerox, _Aragorth_ and 2 others
Rep given to: Falling Ascension Hearse Caelestia Demonic BIF Ailenman Spike Stoner Sioux And the rest I owe to, I couldn't give yet...
ante awwww Jun 28, 2001 6,316 634 113 50 in my mental room Visit site Jul 7, 2003 #688 shitloads of people repped today Reactions: _Aragorth_, Brood of Evil and Incendiare
Lolita Vampiriá Sister of Mercy Feb 24, 2003 5,134 582 113 Espoo, Finland Jul 7, 2003 #689 I was able to rep only: xeno Incendiare Coronerox lady of Bodom Maybe some more later... Reactions: coronerox, stormy, _Aragorth_ and 2 others
Brood of Evil The Drapery Falls Jan 8, 2003 363 102 43 46 NS, Canada Jul 7, 2003 #690 I could only rep: Lolita Vampira Spike Xenophobe Failing Acension Incendiare
Griffin- Leather Rebel Jul 7, 2003 503 5 18 38 Netherlands Visit site Jul 7, 2003 #691 what is repping ? Reactions: coronerox, _Aragorth_ and Brood of Evil
_Aragorth_ storm chaser Jan 2, 2003 13,612 698 113 43 in the "supercell" cloud Jul 7, 2003 #692 I repped just Lolita Vampiriá and then got 24h rule...damn...more reps soon, guys Reactions: Sonnenritter
dreamwatch Syntax error Apr 12, 2001 1,807 38 48 50 The quaint hamlet of St. Reatham Jul 7, 2003 #693 Crikey, you guys are pretty serious with your repping. Reactions: Fevermist, Spike, DotNoir and 8 others
Caelestia rawr Feb 8, 2003 6,279 628 113 43 svarga Visit site Jul 7, 2003 #694 yes, ma'am, we are Reactions: Steve, Sonnenritter, _Aragorth_ and 1 other person
Brood of Evil The Drapery Falls Jan 8, 2003 363 102 43 46 NS, Canada Jul 7, 2003 #695 Griffin- said: what is repping ? Click to expand... Giving reputation points to others Reactions: Sonnenritter
I Incendiare hejdundrande skitsnack Apr 23, 2003 10,307 776 113 Jul 7, 2003 #696 Was able to rep: Steve420 Brood of Evil Lolita Vampiriá ante dreamwatch Reactions: dreamwatch, Steve, Sonnenritter and 1 other person
FailingAcension Spiffy, eh? Jul 31, 2002 4,665 279 83 Texas Jul 7, 2003 #697 Happy rep. day to everyone Reactions: Beast In Flames, Steve, Sonnenritter and 3 others
Sonnenritter Active Member Jul 31, 2002 4,291 287 83 39 Appalachia Jul 7, 2003 #698 Was too tired last night, so I repped everyone I could this morning. Reactions: dreamwatch, Beast In Flames, Lethe78 and 10 others
Caelestia rawr Feb 8, 2003 6,279 628 113 43 svarga Visit site Jul 7, 2003 #699 crikey, repped some more. Reactions: dreamwatch, Stoner Sioux, FailingAcension and 1 other person
Beast In Flames Dionysian SadoMaso Animal Aug 30, 2001 9,957 206 63 44 Over the 6th hill, down in the 6th valley, behind Visit site Jul 7, 2003 #700 I rep'ed a few people on this page. Reactions: Fevermist, Lethe78, Stoner Sioux and 6 others