Official reputation thread

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Official reputation thr...August 1st, 2003 11:14 AM

with no name like usual... :rolleyes:
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I don't see why to give ot bad rep without a name. If I give bad rep, I sign my name, and half the peope Iget pissdd off at are newbies who I get grey dots from because they can't give any rep...

anyway, no rep left still.
Steve420 said:
I don't see why to give ot bad rep without a name. If I give bad rep, I sign my name, and half the peope Iget pissdd off at are newbies who I get grey dots from because they can't give any rep...

anyway, no rep left still.

aye, they are afraid i will just bad rep them back :rolleyes:

@coronex: im pretty sure 11 is max so faar.
*sighs & adds Steve420 to the 'bad rep giving, do not rep' list*, people.. :bah:

Hint..senior staff members can see who gives rep whether or not you sign rep carefully.

off to rep the nice folks now :)
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