ohhhh I'm in pain constantly

ok get that album that I just mentioned, ignore the rest for now... it's his most accessible (and in my opinion, best) and then you can decide to move on from there.
Kvlt Wench said:
And as I find out today, my mom might have breast cancer. :cry:

Best wishes to your mother if this turns out to be true. My grandfather battled cancer (a brain tumor, specifically) for about 5 years before he finally died in Feb 05. Really though, the damage changed him so drastically that it was like he was gone long before that. Cancer of any kind is something I would not wish on anyone.
no really jeremy MUST hear that venetians snares album. I can't certify you'll enjoy anything else BUT that one of all things you MUST ACQUIRE
MajestikMøøse said:
wow this thread is like a little island of myspace in ultimatemetal

you're all gay.



I can't remember, but did we ever participate in an e-threesome?
I know I dreamt that shit.... but DID WE?
I think we had an agreement to trade bitchsluts for some cumwhores or something to that effect. And so we brought our bitchsluts into the MSN conversation for the trade of fiscal resources, to their dismay and confusion.
I am late to this thread. But in response to Will's first post:

I'm so sorry about all that is going wrong medically with you. I know it might not seem like a real solution, but the more positively you think, there are higher chances you'll feel better, you know?

Also, for your arthritis and what not, there is this stuff, glucosamine that you can buy in liquid form, and it actually relieves that sort of pain.

And as far as the stuff running in your family, I've got a lot of that too. Not to be "gross", but cervical cancer is on both sides of my family, and my mom already had abormal cells found, so I have to get that nasty test all the time. But I am trying to remain positive, it doesn't mean it HAS to happen to me.

Same with you. Try to eat well for your heart and keep positive. I hope you feel better.

Everyone deals with friends like that. I am sure more people care about you than you think anyway. I am sure you will find a girlfriend when it's right for you.

Good luck, and cheer up damn it!
I haven't been able to read through the whole thread, but I hope you pull through the best you can, Will.
Just try not to create a self fulfilling prophecy about the future..about you being in a wheelchair at 25. :(
Jenn is right about positive thinking being a key to an improvement in health...even though it's hard to do sometimes..