ok dumb question but...

damn delicious

Bastard of Bodom
Dec 15, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
...i just got the Trashed, Lost and Strungout Enhanced CD and now usually when you put it in the computer, some sort of little screen pops up where you can watch the videos and such, this didnt happen...so my question is... how do i see the videos?
Go to My Computer, hit right click on CD, and explore. There should be a separate folder with the videos or an executable file that pops the “little screen” on your desk top. if that don’t work, the files may be hidden but I don’t think that’s the case.

I am a programmer, i do this shit for a living !
Nemesis_lxix said:
I am a programmer, i do this shit for a living !
Popping audio CDs in your computer? :)
same thing happened to me dude, ok heres what you do, when you put the CD in, go to your hard drive on your desktop and the CD you inserted should show up. Double click it, then two things will pop up, one is the Trashed, Lost, And Strungout Music Video, and the other is Trashed, Lost, In Helsinki, which is COBHC just baisically acting like jackasses. If your computer cant play it, you might just want to download a program called VIC. This program will definately help you in the future, it will hands down play any video files on your computer.
Nemesis_lxix said:
It even better when you crash your companies\universities network and let the moderators spend a day fixing it !

Oh man. A good friend of mine works as a computer tech for a large travel company. He'd fucking hate you forever if you did that to their network. They have two offices (One in Canada and one in England) and they have a network of 1 terrabyte of data that is being accessed by both offices, so it's on the go 24 hrs a day. If it crashes all fucking hell breaks loose. He's on call 24/7.
Rock Hydra said:
If I was in IT and I knew someone did that purposely, I would stab them in the jaw.

Why ? imagine someone doing it to the network Bringer mentioned ! 1 Tb of info would be lost for every day spent fixing it ! let’s just hope I won’t come a cross any of this when I become a moderator myself. I have a friend who tried to steal the moderators access code in order to use the universities computer to play Word Of Warcraft !