Ok, Get in Here

I've been voting in this little March Madness of ours like Opeth17. I am voting using the same parameters and I think we also voted exactly the same on the Elite 8 portion. I've also often been curious about why the "classic" bands are always held in such high esteem. Though of course I don't doubt people truly love them for whatever reason, I'm always more curious about those I see that hold them in high esteem but seem to listen to nothing else similar.

It's hard to see but I think many almost force themselves to like them because it's expected and/or they were influential, etc. Do I doubt that IoTS loves Sabbath? No. Do his reasons for liking them matter (or somebody not liking them?)? No. However, if there were some way to erase a band like Sabbath from history but have their influence still intact and the same bands that proceeded them to do so, and to then have Sabbath suddenly debut now in 2006, I think IoTS would probably still love them. But I really wonder how many of their fans would not. I'm guessing a good portion.
I don't know about anybody else, but when I put on a Sabbath disc right now in 2006, it sounds FUCKING AWESOME regardless of when, how, why, or by whom it was made. Just sayin!
Conspicuously Absent said:
wtf is people's problem with gays? I know some gay dudes, their cool enough. I just have a mostly unspoken rule that if they touch me in a sexual way or stare at my crotch/ass I'll beat the shit out of them.

That said, they don't do that. One of the dudes is perfectly normal otherwise, you wouldn't know he's gay if he didn't tell you. The other guy fits the typical gay voice, but is still a cool dude. I disagree with reign in Acai's stereotype.

That said, Iofthestorm is a dink.

Dude I was pretty much half joking on IOTS. Just goes to show that everyone has a stick up their ass here as of late. I've worked with gays, lived next to gays, sat and drank wine with gays. Most are real cordial individuals. I can't say I approve of their lifestyle, but aslong as they aren't showing public signs of affection with one another, I can deal with it. With this being said, when did it become a taboo to crack a joke about one's sexuality? Can this no longer be done without the fear of being lynch mobbed by a bunch of hostess snack cakes. Lighten up. :dopey:
Thanatopsis123 said:
It's hard to see but I think many almost force themselves to like them because it's expected and/or they were influential, etc. Do I doubt that IoTS loves Sabbath? No. Do his reasons for liking them matter (or somebody not liking them?)? No. However, if there were some way to erase a band like Sabbath from history but have their influence still intact and the same bands that proceeded them to do so, and to then have Sabbath suddenly debut now in 2006, I think IoTS would probably still love them. But I really wonder how many of their fans would not. I'm guessing a good portion.

YOu make a good point here. That said... I wouldn't listen to something unless I truly enjoyed it. I'm not a major sabbath fan, theres some albums/songs I enjoy, and a lot I don't. Yet I SHOULD love sabbath.

meh. Listen to it cause you like it, who cares why.
Jokes are fine dude, but when the people who respond to them don't know they're jokes, they're going to respond as if you were serious. I don't think I was out of line under that context. And there are people out there who seriously think like that about gays, so tell me how I was out of line to think you were speaking genuinely.
Reign in Acai said:
I can't say I approve of their lifestyle, but aslong as they aren't showing public signs of affection with one another, I can deal with it. With this being said, when did it become a taboo to crack a joke about one's sexuality? Can this no longer be done without the fear of being lynch mobbed by a bunch of hostess snack cakes. Lighten up. :dopey:

haha, was hard to tell if you were joking. I apologize for taking you seriously, usually posts in a serious thread and taken seriously, I shall never take you seriously again. :goggly:
Yeah there's no reason. I love Slough Feg but simply cannot stand 98% of the trad. metal where they were birthed from. Logic? There is no logic when it comes to taste.
Random thought: You don't have to understand the ways of others to accept them. Or rather, I don't. I just say "ok hey, if it works for them and doesn't seem to hurt me or others then let 'em do it"
Demilich said:
Random thought: You don't have to understand the ways of others to accept them. Or rather, I don't. I just say "ok hey, if it works for them and doesn't seem to hurt me or others then let 'em do it"

The problem with this logic is that being queer is largely responsible for the social degeneration of society today.

"Hey dad, why are those 2 guys holding hands?" You think I want my kids growing up and seeing that shit?
Reign in Acai said:
The problem with this logic is that being queer is largely responsible for the social degeneration of society today.

"Hey dad, why are those 2 guys holding hands?" You think I want my kids growing up and seeing that shit?
Dude. DUDE. Come on.
Ads by Google Racism - Prejudice Articles - Gay Discrimination - Homosexual Male - Racial Prejudice
Reign in Acai said:
The problem with this logic is that being queer is largely responsible for the social degeneration of society today.

"Hey dad, why are those 2 guys holding hands?" You think I want my kids growing up and seeing that shit?


*holds NAD's hand*

:goggly: :zombie:
Reign in Acai said:
The problem with this logic is that being queer is largely responsible for the social degeneration of society today.

"Hey dad, why are those 2 guys holding hands?" You think I want my kids growing up and seeing that shit?

:lol: :lol: :lol: This whole tournament was worth this post alone