Ok I am normally a nice guy but !!!


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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Power metal does not fucking eqaul fast drums, high nasal voice and huge backing vocals !!! Not every fucking power metal band sounds like Helloween or _________ (insert the "typical" power metal band here.)

Just like not every fucking prog band sounds like Dream Theater !!

It's safe to say all death bands have dirty low (some say cookie monster) vocals because that is one of the primary things that make it death metal, but power metal has been around for over 20 years and for those that think they all sound very similar are fucking themselves out of some good music because many new bands that "sound" very similar to classic metal get labeled as power metal.
The same thing goes for prog metal. There are many good bands out there that have less time changes than classic Metallica that are labeled "prog" because the label couldn't find any other category to fit them under. This is the Oldschool forum and I respect the fact that it is and make many of my posts about classic metal, but the truth is that there are many many modern metal bands out there kicking ass and many of those are considered prog and power bands. That's not to say everyone here will like them, but I can guarantee you that they sound nothing like Dream Theater and Helloween respectively.
I'm sorry that it pisses me off when someone says things like "well I thought it was powermetal because of the high vocals" or whatever but I can tell you when you say things like that it shows that you have absolutely no clue about more than a handful of power metal bands because some of the Euro metal bands out there absolutely kick ass. That's not to say you don't have to work to find them, but once you do, it is well worth it.

Absolutely Bryant, surely that isn't an issue for people here tho', is it? I generally only notice that on the more populated boards.
Runehammer said:
Absolutely Bryant, surely that isn't an issue for people here tho', is it? I generally only notice that on the more populated boards.

Occasionally it does pop up, but not terribly often. I simply wanted to be sure people here realized that prog and power bands are far from "sissy" metal. Angel Dust could handle a Slayer crowd with the power and mayhem they give and they are a power metal band.
As far as the "popular" boards, with the exception of this post, you will find I rarely get upset, but there are a bunch of dorks in the "general music" forum. In fact, I like many prog bands but I can't handle quite a few proggers. They always seem to try and be "more prog" than the next guy talking about some bands that have sold 500 copies of their music.......... and no one else knows who they are.

Todays power metal is crap.

The early works of manowar, Judas Priest, Helloween, Running Wild, etc. were real power metal...

it was the time when Power metal was actually METAL... the days are gone now... only very few bands do good in that area... bands like Primal Fear are nothing but judas priest rip offs.

Bands like Stratovarious are a fuckin circus. Thats as metal as my grandma. Polished gay melodies, no balls, no anger... the band is run like a fuckin company!
Todays power metal is crap.
Have you heard Tad Morose ? Angel Dust ? Brainstorm ? I think you might not have dug deep enough into the genre. Trust me when I say that although I can't name a particular power metal band you will like, there are some you will like. The three I named are powerful in your face metal bands. All of them do a power ballad or two, but you also get fist-pounding power and aggression on quite a bit of the stuff.

Todays power metal is crap.
It depends on the band for me. I don't like Stratovarius, Sonata Arctica, Rhapsody,or Kamelot,. But I DO like Blind Guardian, Edguy, Helloween(correction: I LOVE Helloween!), Running Wild, Brainstorm, Persuader, Hammerfall, Gamma Ray, and Cage.

There is some good ballsy power metal out there. Try Persuader, Cage, and Brainstorm. You might like those.
Hawk said:
Another kick ass band is Ballistic . Their debut is sooooo heavy. Why do they have to be sooo heavy???
Hell yeah, US speed metal with balls :headbang:

Anyway, what does mean "power metal"?
It seems to me me that most US metalheads call "power metal" the european bands ala Helloween and Stratovarius.... while I call "power metal" US bands ala Metal Church and Vicious Rumors :D
Still, I like (old) Stratovarius, Angra and Hammerfall, flame me :p

But really, who cares if it's crap or not? There's so much Metal in the world that you can always find something that fits your tastes.

I see what you mean Bryant though, and I definitely agree. Playing melodic and speed stuff does not necessaraly make a you a "power metal" band, and playing technical music doesn't equal "prog metal".
This might sound a bit strage now but it's really my honest opinion. I think heavyness does not necessarily come with the average brutality of a genre. Brutality certainly helps but heavyness is one of the things you can't measure. You just can feel it. And that's why a so-called sissy band can deliver more power and heavyness than some Death Metal bands. Take Skid Row for example. They were considered to be a real sissy band for their debut but to me a song like Big Guns has a lot more balls than say the Napalm Death debut. And that's because I can't feel "it" in ND's music.
Fangface said:
Hell yeah, US speed metal with balls :headbang:

Anyway, what does mean "power metal"?
It seems to me me that most US metalheads call "power metal" the european bands ala Helloween and Stratovarius.... while I call "power metal" US bands ala Metal Church and Vicious Rumors :D
Still, I like (old) Stratovarius, Angra and Hammerfall, flame me :p

But really, who cares if it's crap or not? There's so much Metal in the world that you can always find something that fits your tastes.
hahaha Some People call Nevermore Power Metal I dont They are just Very Heavy Metal hahahaha But I listen to Edguy and love it but even Edguy with their fast drums, high nasal voice and huge backing vocals strech the limits they are a power metal band but they are progressive too They are Just a metal band Just like everyother kind of metal at the end of the day they are Just a metal band I wish I could train myself to ignore lables and not even use them hahahahahaha ..... fuck I dont even know what I'm talkin about anymore hahahaha Anyways I think I was trying to Agree with Fang! Who really cares if its crap for somebody somewhere its great and that is all that matters
DrillSergeant said:
This might sound a bit strage now but it's really my honest opinion. I think heavyness does not necessarily come with the average brutality of a genre. Brutality certainly helps but heavyness is one of the things you can't measure. You just can feel it. And that's why a so-called sissy band can deliver more power and heavyness than some Death Metal bands. Take Skid Row for example. They were considered to be a real sissy band for their debut but to me a song like Big Guns has a lot more balls than say the Napalm Death debut. And that's because I can't feel "it" in ND's music.
I have been thinking about this a few times and I am in full agreement. Most of these DM or BM are not heavy to my ears at all. I think that Black Sabbath's War Pigs is way heavier than what most BM do.
DrillSergeant said:
This might sound a bit strage now but it's really my honest opinion. I think heavyness does not necessarily come with the average brutality of a genre. Brutality certainly helps but heavyness is one of the things you can't measure. You just can feel it. And that's why a so-called sissy band can deliver more power and heavyness than some Death Metal bands. Take Skid Row for example. They were considered to be a real sissy band for their debut but to me a song like Big Guns has a lot more balls than say the Napalm Death debut. And that's because I can't feel "it" in ND's music.

Slave to the Grind,MudKicker!,Riot Act!,Get the Fuck out, Skid Row had King Size Balls! Awsome band! I look for emotion in my music nomatter how positive or negative Emotion is where the heavyness comes from you feel it it almost pushes on your soul ........ tho Obituary Cause of Death is about the Heaviest thing ever :D its Brutal Death Metal but it was Progressive!!!!
What Fangface said
When it comes to POWER metal , one should talk mainly about u.s.a., not europe (especially to prove that real power metal is definetaly not about sissy smurf bands like gay Nightwish). Today's power metal has a crisis (imo) except few bands (which are mainly underground and from the u.s.a.). Then again the term "power metal" sucks.. what the fuck is "power metal" and who defined it? Blame it to magazine writers again maybe. But i like it ..
Also the whole "what is prog metal" thing is also strange. Few bands that are called "progressive metal", produce something that is really progressive and innovative, most of them, copy Rush, Dream Theater etc.
Hawk said:
I have been thinking about this a few times and I am in full agreement. Most of these DM or BM are not heavy to my ears at all. I think that Black Sabbath's War Pigs is way heavier than what most BM do.
Well, I listen to some DM and even some BM stuff. But I sorted out a lot of that stuff with only the bands remaining that had an emotional impact on me. Your example with War Pigs really hits the nail on the head. It pretty much sums up what I experienced in the years after my enthusiasm for DM wore of. I grew bored on many of those bands cause a large number of them were just producing wannabe aggression and power. But had no substance!

JonnyD said:
Slave to the Grind,MudKicker!,Riot Act!,Get the Fuck out, Skid Row had King Size Balls! Awsome band! I look for emotion in my music nomatter how positive or negative Emotion is where the heavyness comes from you feel it it almost pushes on your soul ........ tho Obituary Cause of Death is about the Heaviest thing ever :D its Brutal Death Metal but it was Progressive!!!!
That's the idea I was trying to get across! It's all about emotion. And looking at music from that perspective songs like Quicksand Jesus or In A Darkened Room can be a thousand times heavier than the fastest blast speed monster DM has ever created. I don't know, I always think that in most cases heavyness is just another word for intensity. Take Metal Church for example. Compared to a band like The Haunted they are rather light-weighted. But when it comes to intensity they deliver big big time. They're disgorging energy with their music and that's where the heavyness comes from. Right?

IOfTheStorm said:
What Fangface said
When it comes to POWER metal , one should talk mainly about u.s.a., not europe (especially to prove that real power metal is definetaly not about sissy smurf bands like gay Nightwish). Today's power metal has a crisis (imo) except few bands (which are mainly underground and from the u.s.a.). Then again the term "power metal" sucks.. what the fuck is "power metal" and who defined it? Blame it to magazine writers again maybe. But i like it ..
Also the whole "what is prog metal" thing is also strange. Few bands that are called "progressive metal", produce something that is really progressive and innovative, most of them, copy Rush, Dream Theater etc.
Hmm, I don't think you can pinpoint good or bad music on a map. No matter what genre you look at. What is good, modern Power Metal? Well, that sounds like a question for Bryant. I'm sure he can fill you in. Even about European stuff.
Bryant said:
Occasionally it does pop up, but not terribly often. I simply wanted to be sure people here realized that prog and power bands are far from "sissy" metal.
I wish Rune and other I know around :Smug: , will understand that when I post my love for prog and power bands in TMG.

@ IOTS: With all due respect, you are wrong. European power metal is far more superior than American one.

Now who is right and who is wrong? Both of us. Everything is in the ear of the beholder, make sheer judgements like yours is dangerous.
Genre labels might give you a rough a idea what a band sounds like, but they say absolutely nothing about the quality of a band/an album. Even though quite a lot of my favourite metal bands/albums could be labeled speed/thrash metal, I always refrained from calling myself a speed/thrash metal fan, because there were always bands from these genres I didn´t like. I´m not a fan of certain genres, but of certain bands/artists or sometimes just certain albums. Or to put it the other way round: The mere fact that I like one band or several from a certain genre does not mean that I like all bands which belong to this genre or the entire genre in itself.

Well, genre labels may always come in handy when people want to start a quarrel by pointing out that their favourite genre is far superior to any other or that others are total dumbasses because they don´t know the "real" meaning of certain terms. And even if two people happen to like the same genre (or at least claim to do so), they might still start bashing in their heads (metaphorically speaking) by resorting to the popular terms "true" and "untrue"/"false". ("Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the truest of them all?") But who defines what is "true" and what is not?

Can there be anything more ridiculous than listening to a certain band just because someone else tells you that this is "true" what-the-heck metal?
Fortunately, this is (still) a free country, so I can listen to any "sissy smurf band" I like!:D I already know that "you don´t get worse than that" (a compliment I got from LuminousAether to one of my very first posts on UM mentioning Nightwish), but all that matters is that I "truly" love the music I´m listening to.

BTW, Helloween were originally a speed metal band!:D (At least that´s what they were referred to in German metal magazines in the middle of the eighties and what they thought of themselves.)
Burkhard said:
BTW, Helloween were originally a speed metal band!:D (At least that´s what they were referred to in German metal magazines in the middle of the eighties and what they thought of themselves.)
In the sticker of my "Keeper Of The Seven Keys - pt.2" (vinyl), they were called progressive metal. Talk about evolution of a band from speed to prog to power in what 15 years? :p