Ok PP3 goers. It's confessing time!


I am fine
Apr 3, 2002
Gothenburg, Sweden
If anyone on this board was fortunate enough to be on PP3 and get to hear samples from Recreation Day then please don't hold it to yourselves. Share your thoughts with the rest of us unlucky bastards who weren't there ;)
... but I think you expected that from me =)
Mike invited me on the trip to PP3 and I´m so grateful.
I had a great time. Both in atlanta and on PP3.
The bands were good, though I didn´t attend the whole concerts of any of them and the people were great!!!

So how´s it going over in Japan.

Tittar de snett på dig?
I'd have to concur, I only got to hear 1 song, but it sounded like some of their strongest material ever! One of the most popular questions of Mike & Tom seemed to be "Damn, when's it coming out?" A: March 2003 "Really! We have to wait THAT long!?" :)

@Saxiquine: You were with the guys? Are you a male or female, because everywhere they went, their were hordes of people following them! It was great, like the 2 giant pied pipers or something...
Well, unlike some lucky and priviledged individuals, I wasn't fortunate to hear a full preview of the album in my hotel room :(

I did hear a few tracks which were played over the house PA during the break between Edguy and Blind Guardian (I think) on the Friday night. There were huge cheers from the audience when Tom, henrik and Mike came onstage with Harv. Unfortunately with the stagehands tuning up the instruments for the next act, it was hard to get a good listen.

All I could say based on what I heard would be that the music was along the lines of 'In Search of Truth', but sounded a bit heavier. :)
Well, unlike some lucky and priviledged individuals, I wasn't fortunate to hear a full preview of the album in my hotel room :(

I did hear a few tracks which were played over the house PA during the break between Edguy and Blind Guardian (I think) on the Friday night. There were huge cheers from the audience when Tom, Henrik and Mike came onstage with Harv. Unfortunately with the stagehands tuning up the instruments for the next act, it was hard to get a good listen.

All I could say based on what I heard would be that the music was along the lines of 'In Search of Truth', but sounded a bit heavier. :)
@markgugs: I travelled there with Michael as his girlfriend.
You might have seen me around. Loooong black hair with purple stipes up front and the last night I wore a owboyhat.
But then again... there were so many people.
The new album is a killer and I can see why it seems to be such a long wait for its release.

Yeah, like chazzyf said: we heard the disc through the PA before the Blind Guardian set.

Sadly enough the PA was not set for a decent sound for music to be played from the CD player and after a few songs the guys from BG started with their soundcheck, so we hardly could hear the new tracks. From what i heard was very promising and most people were like: wow what does Tom his voice sounds great.

Just sit and relax, will take some months for the new release but it will be worth waiting.

Finally got home after a long trip back from Atlanta, nice to meet the guys from EG again. I knew Mike was coming (nice to meet you Saxiquine - or is it: sexy queen? hehe) but a very great surprise to see Tom and Henrik there. My back still hurts from hugging :D


Henk:yow: (jetlagged)
Saxiquine, I thought that might have been you! I'll just say Mike's a lucky man! ;) :eek: I'm sorry I didn't actually get to meet you; Mike was too busy drinking the admiration & love from the Evergrey fans. Of course I was guilty of that as well, so...oh well, maybe next year when the boys come back for a tour (Tom told me they would dammit!).

Last question, is that you in Winter's Gate playing bass? What's that band like?

I DID enjoy myself, and it certainly looked like you all did as well! That was one of my favorite parts of the event, that people from all over the world came together and just had a blast even though very few people knew each other very well! That was so amazing to me.

Well here's to running into each other at a future festival! I'll be in Sweden, Finland & Germany next summer for 3 weeks with my girlfriend and then I go to Wacken 2003! And of course I'll be at ProgPower USA IV next fall to see the guys tear the roof down. So wish them luck for me, and good luck with both your bands...I'll keep an eye & ear out for them! Cheerz!
Yeah Tom and Henrick came over to my suite on saturday night and played it, I am floored as usual, they just keep getting better and better!! I can't wait to get the full finished cd, it is the one album I am most looking forward to in 2003.

Also wanted to say to Tom,Henrick, Mike and Lotta and friggen cool it was hanging out again. It was great to meet you Lotta,you are very cool \m/

Tom,Henrick and Mike it was great to drink with you and the EG clan and talk some BS,can't wait to do it again in 2003! \m/

Take care my brothas!!

@ Saxiquine : Hehe no I hadn't really expected you to say anything else :) But you don't seem to be alone in your opinion so the coming months is looking to be a torturous wait. (Not that I expected anything less)
Just got my tickets for In Flames here in Japan in december so that will ease the wait somewhat (but damn these tickets are expensive. 500SKR!) I really need a good concert now and this shall be interesting indeed. They have numbered standingseats :) I wonder how that works?

Och ja de tittar snett på mig. Hur skulle de kunna göra något annat ;) Men jag trivs kanonbra här. Vissa saker är lite dyra bara men annars är allt suveränt. Ha det så bra!

@The rest : Thanks for your reply. Glad you had a great time!

I just happened to be walking thru the hall & heard somebody blasting some BADASS music...So I knocked & Hmmm I wonder who it was...EVERGREY!!!! :hotjump: They were premiering Recreation Day for Dee & Kerri...

And to my surprise I see Tom & Henrik TOO!!!

BTW, glad to meet you!! I thought your name was Charlotte must of been those damn Long Islands!!:p


Angela aka Silent Cries
Strahd: Ahhh.. I saw In Flames a couple of weeks ago.
It was a good concert.. the highlights were when they played the old songs from my favourite "Whoracle".

Angel of cries: My name is Charlotte. That´s correct.
But my nickname in Sweden i Lotta =)
Nice meeting you!
I was impressed with what I heard over the PA. It was nice seeing the guys swamped with fans throughout the weekend. Too bad I didn't get a chance to take a pic or talk to them. Maybe next year. I definitely am planning to buy the new album if I can wait that long. :p