ok the forum is back. lets be a bit nicer to eachother eh?

Bastet said:
:lol:drama queen is OK.

Nah nah, I can be a real bi-a-tch sometimes !

Eos said:
There are no EOS lenses, just the cameras

well the canon lenses then, or eh do use something else? oh...the lads asked me to ask you to show us your tits? sorry... :erk: just thought we'd ask :erk: but we think we might have to be in band.

did you know that 'nonac' is actually 'canon' spelled backwards?

Nikon is grand :)
It was supposed to be a friendly question, not mean or anything like that. That was the sole purpose, Mehdi.
ah its just for the future shag, just in case, be friendly and stuff to the e-girls, write their names down on that long list and stuff, aint that right Henprick?