OK this has gone FAR ENOUGH

I don't know how it happend... but I got hooked on the bucks! Now when I drink regular coffee I can't hang. I don't know what kind of Mojo their putting in there but it works.

As for Nora... her 1st album is OK. I spun it about 3 times... and then I put it away. She's a good singer, decent piano chops... the songs are well written = jazzpop? The planets and the stars just lined up perfect for her... gotta admit she's pretty cute.
Hey now Keyser be nice. Norah is just another East Village New York City singer songwriter she's harmless. In fact she still lives in her tiny apartment above a bodega in Brooklyn. She also dropped a bunch of her songs in favor of her friends' songs so they could get more royalties. She has heart which is more than you can say for the Britney's and Celine's out there.
There is a great comedian named David Black who has a bit about Starbucks and the end of the world. I guess he walked out of a Starbucks in Texas, saw another Starbucks right directly across the street, and thought it must be one of the seven signs...I know, its not funny when i tell it, but it is funny. Really.
Aren't you the same guys who were baggin on Evanescence a while back? Called them one-hit wonders? Guess they wern't. They're still around. Sold Millions. Won a grammy. Hmmmm...
VinDog said:
Aren't you the same guys who were baggin on Evanescence a while back? Called them one-hit wonders? Guess they wern't. They're still around. Sold Millions. Won a grammy. Hmmmm...
now... what does Evanescence have to do with Norah Jones? Norah Jones has talent... I'll admit to that, even though I HATE her music... Evanescence is JUST ANNOYING in the way CREED is annoying