Ok, this is actually a serious thread. I have a question.

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
When you people were 19, turning 20, did that "2" scare you? I'm developing this odd sense of getting older and dying. I know that I'm not going to die at an old age.... I don't know. gah.

If so, what did you do to get over it?
Not that in particular, but there have been a few things that have made me realize how quickly time passes. My advice is to find whatever brings you joy, whatever makes you feel more powerful, whatever expands your mind in different directions (a paradigm shift is quite liberating), and pursure them to the fullest.

Only when things (both physical and mental, or spiritual, if you prefer) become stagnant and remain that way do you have something to regret.
No more than getting close to 30 scares me now. I miss things about certain times in my life, but there are others I'm grateful to have left behind. I realize this isn't overly helpful, but all I can really suggest is realize that if it's the number frightening you, it must be some perception of what that means. Life is moment to moment. Everything else is excess labeling and bullshit.
no, not at all.
first time I got depressed was when I was 3, I think.... as for the age and death coming closer, when I turned 23. I'll never know why I felt that way exactly then. now that I'm 32, nothing... you are just the way you are, and you'll always feel that way, regardless your age. you'll always be afraid of the same things, just probably less intensively.... like, I'll always be depressive, too. it's the matter of perceiving things. always ups and downs. don't try to find a solution for what you are like. you're unique just because you're the way you are. you'll just learn how to live with yourself better... ;)
I'm 24 (be 25 in april) and have 3 kids already. I was looking at the calendar in my cell phone and kept advancing the years. When my son is of legal drinking age (he's 5 now), I'll be 40. Then I started checking to see how old my dad will be, grandma, etc etc. Dad'll be 59, grandma won't be alive.

So, I can relate to how you're feeling. My god, I'm going to be "halfway to 50" in a few months. Just do what you're doing and don't even think about it. And especially DON'T DO what I did and advance the calendar in your cell phone. Lol.
Just think tho. My youngest is 5 months old (Lillian Kathleen and she's fucking adorable) and when she turns 18, I'll be 42 and still have.....a good 8 years of my life left before my dick shrinks, my back starts hunching, and I start using a colostomy bag.
Scared me too back then. I turned 19 on april 6th and my oldest child Julian Alexander was born on may 20th 2001, 10 days before I graduated high school. Didn't know what to do, how to take care of him. Then I went to boot camp May 5th of 2002, my middle daughter Adrianna Elizabeth was born August 12th, while I was still in the Army and I didn't get out of the service until March of 2003 and missed out on the first 7 months of her life. My youngest Lillian was born April 8th of this year, two days after my birthday (was hoping she'd be born on the 6th, but that's ok) and I've been able to focus a lot on taking care of her and having her around has actually helped me a lot with my two oldest kids as well.

My boy is starting kindergarten this year too. Oh my fucking god.