OK who are you and where you from- peanut-butter

I like peanutbutter.
But I don't eat it very often, because if I had to eat it, I would only it for breakfast.
So there's one tiny whiny problem: My breakfast always consists of oatmeal and...Dark bread/rugbrød.
Wich means, there's no place for peanutbutter!11 or time.

Oh, and I like crunchy best. Smooth is shite.
I like to eat crunchy peanut butter on hot toast, so hot that infact melts the peanut butter and makes it taste fucking insanely good.

Vegemite is lame as though, I only eat it with toast and cheese.
Peanut butter and Nuttella just like Lussi said is delicious....but otherwise I hate peanut butter alone and I hate peanut butter and jelly...but I love Reese's peanut butter cups. I'm weird, I know.

Peanut butter is good for dog training. I put a little on a frisbee and my dog will actually go after it and catch it. After the peanut butter is licked off though, he loses interest so I'm really just a failure.
I generally dislike PB, but it works well for PB'n'J combo as a breakfast sandwich. I dun like it cuz it's too heavy for me. And I'm just generally not ued to it cuz I'm from Eastern Europe.