Old FYI For Star Trek Geeks


Neuroses Facilitator
I found this out in an extensive Movie encyclopedia that I own, and I also checked online to verify. I found something out about the movies Star Trek II and III (with the old 60's Trek lineup). The actor that played Admiral Kirk's adult son David (his name was Merritt Butrick), died in 1989 at the age of 29. He died of AIDS. I just thought this was interesting as while I am by no means a huge Trekkie, I do think that #2 was an especially entertaining movie. Not to mention to die that young is a really terrible thing.
Something else some people might find amusing. Gates Mcfadden in "Star Trek: The Next Generation" (she played the Dr. Beverly Crusher character) was a porn star before acting in star trek.
DctrFeelGood said:
Something else some people might find amusing. Gates Mcfadden in "Star Trek: The Next Generation" (she played the Dr. Beverly Crusher character) was a porn star before acting in star trek.

:lol: wtf?
DctrFeelGood said:
Something else some people might find amusing. Gates Mcfadden in "Star Trek: The Next Generation" (she played the Dr. Beverly Crusher character) was a porn star before acting in star trek.
it's true, I am a Trekkie so I got a few pics of her :D
Dunno, I got these pics a few years ago. They came up when I searched for her normal name on google. I'll ask around though, maybe someone else will know
She acted in some movies/shows that had sex scenes, my understanding is that a body double was used.

I'm fairly certain she was not in porn.