old school thrash productions

Gotta add one here:

Sanctuary: Refuge Denied.

Not the greatest sounding thrash album by any stretch of the imagination, but the vocals on "Battle Angels" certainly made me take notice.

die for my sins is one of the very best 80s metal songs. DEFINITELY. the rest of the album other than battle angels and the third war is kinda meh, but goddamit, die for my sins kicks my ass HARD. i wish they had recorded more stuff like that
Old thread but I really enjoyed reading it!

What happened to Alex Perialas? I loved the sound of the Vio-lence album Opressing the Masses.

Particularly the guitar tone!
personally I'm not a huge fan of the uber-clean modern sound really.
what i don't like about it is that they can make a bad artist sound good...that's great from the bands perspective, but not so much as a fan
nothing more disappointing to me than being stoked to see a band live only to find out they sound like crap
I was just listening to Souls of Black this past weekend too [woops, this is a really old thread, but I did listen to it recently, but a year later than the original post]. Really, the only odd thing I find kinda odd is the production of the solos, which really stand out as being different than the rest of the sound going on.

I can't listen to that Testament "remake" album where they re-recorded the old songs. The songs just don't sound right to me. No edge to 'em. I like the chainsaw, rougher production.

The Legacy album was perfect by the way! I wouldn't change one thing.
If I listen to - let's say - Death Angel's Act III or Slayer's Reign, South and Seasons, I'd take those production over maybe 85% of productions nowadays. Just alone the drums give them a much more natural feel. That's why I love Municipal Waste's most recent album so much, I think they captured those vibes very good with the blessings of modern technology.
I'd forgotten about this thread....made me smile re-reading it and it's amazing how much my tastes can change in a year.

These days I'm finding it hard to be excited by most new metal releases and am digging more hardcore (Converge), grungey rock (Jawbox, Helmet) and 80's post-punk (Echo & The Bunnymen). I'm more likely to buy something on Relapse or Dischord than Roadrunner. I also just got a delivery of old Pantera and Sepultura CD's that had "disappeared" from my collection over the years that I hadn't re-bought and feel like breaking shit :D....andy wallace and terry date know their shit.

But....the first thing that sprang into my mind with re-reading this thread was Flotsam & Jetsam's "No Place For Disgrace". Great album, but atrocious mix :D
I'm just listening to First Strike Still Deadly, and I love it. Everything sonically screams thrash to me, and this has just as much intensity as you could possibly want. I think my favourite productions of Andy's are the thrash ones he works on - maybe thats why he has had a LOT of the top bands come to him. I think even musically I can't think of a bad album Andy has worked on, particularly the thrash stuff.
less we forget.. even earlier....Maiden's "Beast" and "Piece" both sound killer...love the drum sound on the beginning of "where eagles dare"....
Kreator- Extreme Aggression has killer production...from Randy Burns...(Peace Sells)

I even liked some of Harris Johns works from Noise Label.. Coroner R.I.P , still sounds so heavy today... while not perfect...it has a warmth and thickness to it...
[quote="Evil" Aidy;6999723]Old thread but I really enjoyed reading it!

What happened to Alex Perialas? I loved the sound of the Vio-lence album Opressing the Masses.

Particularly the guitar tone![/quote]

Yeah, he was always the dude on the credits of every killer album I bought when I was a kid. I would see his name on the back of the casette and just buy the record before even hearing the band!
[quote="Evil" Aidy;6999723]Old thread but I really enjoyed reading it!

What happened to Alex Perialas? I loved the sound of the Vio-lence album Opressing the Masses.

Particularly the guitar tone![/quote]

according to Robb Flynn...they asked Alex to give them that 'SOD" guitar sound..that's what they wanted to use as a point of reference for their guitar tones on "Oppressing.....

another killer Alex production..with Scott Ian..was the MOD for USA album...something about that album..only recorded and mixed in a few days..but still has a crunchy ,heavy sound too..I think Scott Ian co-produced too on it.