Old Umers/gmders you miss

Royal Carnage used to be a webzine. That ended a few years ago, but the community stuck around due to its sheer quality. Now the founder of the magazine has more or less left the site, so the forum is now just called RC. Also, while almost everybody there thinks that the forum has gone to shit, they still don't like when new people come in, and many of them receive vicious smear campaigns until they leave and are frequently berated with "GTFOoRC".


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Royal Carnage used to be a webzine. That ended a few years ago, but the community stuck around due to its sheer quality. Now the founder of the magazine has more or less left the site, so the forum is now just called RC. Also, while almost everybody there thinks that the forum has gone to shit, they still don't like when new people come in, and many of them receive vicious smear campaigns until they leave and are frequently berated with "GTFOoRC".

Does that mean MutanLlama will feel the wrath in a few days?:lol:
Ha. You're stuck with anonymous and forgettable posters like me on this forum. I'm pretty sure if I ever left, maybe two people would notice, even though I've been around a few years now.

I thought you joined like 4-5 months ago. Never noticed you before (I'm sure you could say the same about me though). Then again, I think I epitomize what anonymous and forgettable posters are about.
I used to be an anonymous and forgettable poster for years. But for some reason it seems like I've degenerated into the "memorable but retarded" kind in the last few months, according to some people here... Or maybe "forgettable and retarded" would be most accurate? If you agree, then fuck you. haha
^:lol: It seems now since I'm a regular someone would remember me. :lol: But I don't have the elite status of "very knowledgeable that is vital to the forum", just someone that brings something positive. :)