Old Umers/gmders you miss

I'm one of those forgettable, anonymous types as well these days

I used to post way more in the old days, but recently I seem to just lurk - trying to change that.
I am a huge lurker as well, but I don't post too frequently. Lurkers unite!

Also, SB and Melodeath you guys should post more as you both seem to always have something interesting to say--if only for my benefit as a lurker. ;)
I am a huge lurker as well, but I don't post too frequently. Lurkers unite!

Also, SB and Melodeath you guys should post more as you both seem to always have something interesting to say--if only for my benefit as a lurker. ;)
Haha, thanks

Yeah, I'm definitely trying to post more. I used to post a lot about old school death \m/
I think for the most part Life Sucks is a good poster but his comments about Radiohead sounding like fags etc. gets annoying after awhile.
I also tend to overreact when flamed without provocation. IIRC, I never attacked Radiohead that badly, I somply said that I don't like them. I think I've said worse things about Zeppelin, WASP, Kyuss, stoner doom, etc. I just try to state my opinion most of the time, but I have a tendency to get hung up on things and put a lot of emotion behind it when speaking my mind.
I also tend to overreact when flamed without provocation. IIRC, I never attacked Radiohead that badly, I somply said that I don't like them. I think I've said worse things about Zeppelin, WASP, Kyuss, stoner doom, etc. I just try to state my opinion most of the time, but I have a tendency to get hung up on things and put a lot of emotion behind it when speaking my mind.

In other words, your one angry mofo.
Yes, I am. But I would describe myself as passionate. (no homo) That would be most accurate.

For some reason I am reminded of the time that you posted a story where you yelled at some girl for staring at you on a bus or something. :lol: