Old Umers/gmders you miss

Ha. You're stuck with anonymous and forgettable posters like me on this forum. I'm pretty sure if I ever left, maybe two people would notice, even though I've been around a few years now.

I do rather wish you would return to the hand-drawn logo avatar.

That rubbish Emperor "E" used to make me smile every time I saw it.
yeah im the same ha
nah, i'd definitely notice if you were gone. Mostly cuz your av is pretty distinctive.
^:lol: It seems now since I'm a regular someone would remember me. :lol: But I don't have the elite status of "very knowledgeable that is vital to the forum", just someone that brings something positive. :)
How could we live without that clip of you singing clean? You're definitely vital.
But seriously, when it comes to death metal you're handy.
nah, i'd definitely notice if you were gone. Mostly cuz your av is pretty distinctive.

How could we live without that clip of you singing clean? You're definitely vital.
But seriously, when it comes to death metal you're handy.
:lol: I think I tried to do a song that was too powerful for me, I'd probably sound better on something like Rammstein, like Mein Teil or Amerika, but oh well.:)
Ha. You're stuck with anonymous and forgettable posters like me on this forum. I'm pretty sure if I ever left, maybe two people would notice, even though I've been around a few years now.

I would pissed off if you left. I enjoy reading your posts about beer and whatnot.

I just mentioned that because I used to almost never get flamed, and as of late I've been one of the main targets.

You bring it on yourself (you surely know this)

Better to be an anonymous but good poster rather than a memorable but retarded one, as many around here are.
