
Green Carnation =

Devil Doll - i just got this i hour+ song in 18 parts, pretty damn good! i didnt get boring
Originally posted by SentencedToBurn
now this might just be my opinion but this sounds very stupid to me. why would songs be this long? you have to dedicate like your entire day to listen to the fuckin thing. i mean what if you want to listen to the last 6 minutes of it or something. you would have to sit there forever fast forwarding it. its gay.

Actually it would take 1/24th of your day.

And, the song isn't meant to have different parts. It's meant to be heard straight through.
well, most people DO sleep you know..

haha but really, I think it's stupid, people say "Oh a 50 minute song, that's just stupid, you can't pay attention for that long", even though their favourite albums are 50 minutes long. if these songs had a 3 second pause every 4 minutes or so, would that make a difference for you?
no but usually i dont have time to listen to a cd straight through. this is why bands usually write SONGS, not these 60 minute things in which you must sit down and listen to everything. i think they are getting less listens because of it too. you guys can listen to it i mean this is only my opinion.

And in defense, why dont they just divide it into songs. it would make it easier. since when are people against songs?
It was stupid to make this one song especially with the terrible moaning section in the middle which I would have loved to eliminate but I can't. This part is so painful to my ears that I'll probably never listen to this disc again. I still listen to their first disc quite a bit!
Originally posted by SentencedToBurn
no but usually i dont have time to listen to a cd straight through.

since when are people against songs?
I pretty much always listen to albums straight through, and not rarely on repeat, so honestly I think you're the exception to the rule here...

Nobody is against songs, but sometimes they happen to be quite long... :p
loddod - i heard the first couple of minutes of it many times (partial download) and it just sounded too 80's. If you want something that spans the whole cd thats interesting go for Diabolical Masquerade - Death's design.
Too 80's?? It doesn't sound particularly "80's" to me at all, it's just great, powerful, atmospheric and melodic Metal.

Try downloading that "short version" that I put a link up for ealrlier on this thread (bottom of first page), it's great...
I second Sfarog's suggestion, Diabolical Masquerade - Death's Design is pretty damn good... it was made for a movie that never got released... it's got like over 50 tracks, but is really just one big song... it's really useful to be able to fast forward to any part.
Nice production to boot!!!
Originally posted by Sfarog
loddod - i heard the first couple of minutes of it many times (partial download) and it just sounded too 80's. If you want something that spans the whole cd thats interesting go for Diabolical Masquerade - Death's design.

LoD, DoD sounds 80? What the fuck were you smoking/drinking/sniffing when you were listening to it?

There's a portion of the album up for download here.
Originally posted by Bumblefoot
Buy it from The End Records for 12 bucks!

Oh and Devil Doll has lots of songs up in that range. The Sacrilege Of Fatal Arms is just under 80 minutes... and his final work is said to be 900 (yes 900) minutes long in it's entirety, but he only released 46 minutes of it.

Wow, 900 minutes? Sounds like someone had something to prove. Stupid if you ask me. You couldn't listen to it all in one setting, it'd take about 2 dozen CD's to fit it all on there.
i think LODDOD is a good song...but not great. it could have easily have been a 40 minute song.

and belial, if you haven't already, check out green carnation's first album. plenty of 10-20 minute songs, and is slightly more intersting IMO. but that's not what the point is, the point is their first album is easily as good as LODDOD...just try and find the song "my dark reflections of life and death"...easily my fav green carnation song.
It is a great song/album. The opera part could easily be done without. The only gripe I have though is the fact that you really need to have an hour if you want to listen to it, cause it's not that great unless you hear the whole thing.