OMGOMGOMG New CLA Waves plug-ins!

I would pay $400 to be able to have LA2A and 1176 emulations run natively on my CPU (as opposed to my UAD-1 card), but not $800. These plugins look great, though.

So far, though, I've not heard any plugins that sound as much like the real thing as UAD-1/2 plugins. I actually have an outboard Manley Elop dual channel LA2A style opto compressor, and I prefer the sound of the LA2A plugin on the UAD-1. It's really that good.
Awesome. Really coincidental, too, as I was wondering liek 3 weeks ago why Waves didn't have any LA-2A or 1176 emulations.

Waves doesn't do any preamp emulations do they? I read a post on a forum recently indicating they did, but I think it was incorrect info.
about the BF comparison...I'd actually like to know, not hearing much about the BF plugins here.
also....could someone post screenshots of some of the CLA presets? curious to see, but I don't wanna install the demo just now
been playing with these a bit tonight, and am liking them a lot.

that said i think trying out the urs csp against them, it didnt bring out the same results (but close enough in feel for me for what i want), but there is so much more versatility. id like to buy these plugs, but considering what i already own they arent the first thing on my list by any means.
I would pay $400 to be able to have LA2A and 1176 emulations run natively on my CPU (as opposed to my UAD-1 card), but not $800. These plugins look great, though.

So far, though, I've not heard any plugins that sound as much like the real thing as UAD-1/2 plugins. I actually have an outboard Manley Elop dual channel LA2A style opto compressor, and I prefer the sound of the LA2A plugin on the UAD-1. It's really that good.

Well, you can listen for yourself here:

Bearing in mind each individual unit is very much unique with these old pieces. But I think it's quite clear hearing what non-linearity and saturation emulation does versus a 'clean' emu.
No one has mentioned yet that buying direct from the Waves site is ALWAYS more than from a retailer. I bet these will be $750 regular, and then go on those random one-month-long sales for $600, like the SSL, API, JJP, etc...

The UAD version sounds much better to me (I listened to the versions that are at the same apparent level.) Perhaps that's what I don't like about my Manley LA2A, it pumps too much for my liking, doesn't hold in the track as well as the UAD-1 LA2A. As for the 1176 as featured in this clip, I'm surprised by how much the Waves CLA version pumps, it's really kind of distracting, but perhaps it is just bad settings for that drum beat.

One key difference, though between the Manley LA2A and the original LA2A is that the opto circuit in the Manley uses an LED rather than a bulb - which should in theory result in faster response and less pumping, but in practice it pumps all over the place. The pres on the Manley sound great, but I really have to go easy on the compression or it pumps all over the place.

With the UAD-1 LA2A, we're still talking about a slow compressor that pumps, but it doesn't pump obnoxiously at least. A friend of mine built an LA2A to the original schematics, which kills everything else I've heard, though, so obviously there's quite a bit of variation between units out there, even if original specs are followed.
I agree the UAD sounds better on that clip. I think the Waves version is way over-dialed. It seems the meters respond way differently. As far as the pumping goes, it does sound like the sort of thing CLA shoots for, albeit overdone. So if anything they may be capturing the character of his units.

The Waves definitely has more character though. The UAD sounds cleaner and less like I'd expect an 1176 to. Given the super-fast attack the 1176s get pumpy fast.
its definitely worth. the UAD plugs sound dumpy compared to the Waves versions, very convenient not to have to have a PCIe card as well.
Apparently some folks have got this pack for less than $600 already from choice re-sellers, like perhaps the one I listed on page 1.

Ah, missed that post somehow. That site looks good but seems slightly shady. If it's legit then I will probably be buying a lot of things from there in the future.
ok/// so i demoed these just now.
Holy Shit are they good.
Used A fair few 1176's in my time; and they all have their own personality, but these waves ones are WAY closer than the Uad, but thats to the unit im most familiar with...
Also not having to faff around with delay compensation is VERY nice.

If it wasnt for the 1073 and 88rs (the other engineer uses) i think the Uads would have flown out of the studios macpro