On voting


New Metal Member
Jun 22, 2003
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Always ponder this when various experts rant about the importance od voting.

Argh, forgot to make it a poll, anyways.

Should you vote even if you recognise you don't really have a clue about the candidates, or should you not?
in germany they only say that to keep up the appearance of a healthy democracy. the less people vote, the more votes (seem to) go to the radicals, particularly in the wild wild east where the attendance is gradually decreasing below 50 percent.
apart from that, clueless voting is bollocks, i could as well fill out a lottery ticket.
vote for the candidate or party which is closest to your conviction

alternatively, vote for a goodlooking lady, if she's elected you'll see more of her
breaklose said:
i never vote, the most boring thing on earth beside alwin is probably french politics. voting is poo anyway. whats the point in voting in a 60 million people country?

blah.. they will do what they want anyways.... indeed, whats the point on voting for the best bastard. they may make promises come true but at the end will be kicking everyones arse.
its different here, the system is too rigid, so ruling politicians cant really do shit, no massive change is possible now, so voting is pointless, except for maintaining the whole left-wing vs right-wing useless debate.
And Mehdi, eh? You have no right being fed up with politics unless you're a politician. Don't be crap.

Unless this is an Al Quaida anti-democrate thing, dirty Arab!

(can I call you dirty Arab?)
snow2fall said:
Agreed. Otherwise, you may end up with a conservative Catholic, right-wing chancellor... :erk:
*afraid of the next elections* :ill:
Sound. you germans are running out of people anyway, you need more babies
Bambi said:
Sound. you germans are running out of people anyway, you need more babies
Ha. If that guy named Stoiber becomes chancellor, he'll sooner or later expel the Turks (who keep providing this country with many babies) and he'll scare off the other smart young, fertile people as well. No more babies for good ol' Germany then.
snow2fall said:
Ha. If that guy named Stoiber becomes chancellor, he'll sooner or later expel the Turks (who keep providing this country with many babies) and he'll scare off the other smart young, fertile people as well. No more babies for good ol' Germany then.
turkish babies are no good, you need germanic ones. kinder kirche kuchen and all that!! :Spin: