ONCE again..ANTHRAX cash in on Dimebags death...

Let me try some

This is just one of the reasons why German Sheppards are such special dogs.

I see commercials for Sonic all the time. I have yet to eat at one though. There aren't any in Upstate NY.

With a dark meat, I imagine a red would be best. However, given that this is "black" meat, wouldn't a 40oz bottle of Old English 800 be best? Maybe Wild Irish Rose?
Nothing nearly as funny or as embarassing as fuckin' Pirate Metal in those posts of mine. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!
Cunt ahoy!
NA your wrong thats some good shit. The band I was refering to is good so well you suck balls I guess.
Well FAH-G as the night draws to a close and Anthrax makes money of DBDs death I must go to sleep. My swashbuckling makes me tired. You still suck balls by the way and well you suck some ass also. I still think that Anthrax can pay tribute when they want and to who they want. They do not need pantera fans that's absur. So well shut your john Lennon loving ass. Good Bye
You stayed up until 06:00 and that was the best you could do? I expected more from you Captain Feathersword. Have a nice day, cunt.
BTW, which one of these pickle-smoochers is you?
Pirate metal is killer stuff. I listen to it when Im hunting for lost treasure or sodomising my cabin boy. Arrrr
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Worst 5 mins I have ever spent. It pisses me off that as soon as the video starts..... I am so disgusted by the poor sound and unrehearsed songs that I have to stop the video 20 secs into each one. Drummer doesnt play Dbl bass, guitar player is sloppy and the singer sounded like he had something(a cock) in his throat. The bass player was pretty good, to good for this band IMHO, but because he is playing with this band, his talent is wasted.

2 out of 10:Puke: and the only reason they got a 2 was because they played some cool songs.
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Worst 5 mins I have ever spent. It pisses me off that as soon as the video starts..... I am so disgusted by the poor sound and unrehearsed songs that I have to stop the video 20 secs into each one. Drummer doesnt play Dbl bass, guitar player is sloppy and the singer sounded like he had something(a cock) in his throat. The bass player was pretty good, to good for this band IMHO, but because he is playing with this band, his talent is wasted.

2 out of 10:Puke: and the only reason they got a 2 was because they played some cool songs.

I would have guessed so.
were quoted as saying " The Dimebag tragedy was their reason for doing the reunion".
I in turn pointed out that their reunion was planned 6 months in advance to the dimebag tragedy. This in turn was validated by Rob CAggiano on ANthrax BAshers .com Rob was quoted as saying, " The whole Anthrax reunion inspired by the Dimebag thing is a flat out lie"..

Where did he say that? There is an interview with Rob on the ANTHRAX REUNION BASHING CLUB but when he was asked he said something like "I can't answer this question" as far as I can remember...