One less thing I need to do before I die...


The Duck of Death.
I went skydiving today!! Fucking awesome, I can't wait to do it again! :loco: :D :cool:

So here's how it went...

The ride up... I guess I look a bit nervous? :ill:

The moment of truth...

What I saw as I jumped out the door:



Still falling...

The chute opens...

And then the camera guy, who also had a videocamera on his helmet, kept freefalling for a while so he would be on the ground first to film the landing. Before you ask where you can get a cool hat like I'm wearing, it's a special padded hat designed specially so that the tandem instructors don't get their teeth broken, and they apparantly cost about $125... I know, I was disappointed too. But really, it was fucking awesome, and not nearly as scary as I thought it would be.
Whoa neat!!!!
I am totally afraid of stuff though so I would never do that. I'm afraid to ride the Octopus at state fairs. :(
duckattack said:
Damn, those pics make my nose look huge... :err:

ya know what they say, big nose, big ears, big hands, big feet:loco:

were ya disappointed when ya found out the guy strapped to ya was gonna be a million years old?:loco:

it looks fun, how long did it actually last?
ya know what they say, big nose, big ears, big hands, big feet:loco:

were ya disappointed when ya found out the guy strapped to ya was gonna be a million years old?:loco:

it looks fun, how long did it actually last?
He's a lot younger than he looks in those pics, but he was wearing sandals for christ's sake! :loco:

There was a little bit over a minute before the parachute opened, and then probably like another 5 minutes after that. So it cost me about $8/minute counting the plane ride. :D
ach, I really envy you. I'd love to go skydiving, but I doubt I would have the balls for it once I actually got up there :rolleyes:

hang gliding would be great too, and I probably wouldnt wuss out of that ^_^
Skippy said:
ach, I really envy you. I'd love to go skydiving, but I doubt I would have the balls for it once I actually got up there :rolleyes:

hang gliding would be great too, and I probably wouldnt wuss out of that ^_^
Well, when you go tandem like that you don't really have a chance to chicken out once you get to the door! And that's really the only part that's actually terrifying is looking down from the side of the plane, and they don't give you a chance to dwell on it. Once you're out, it doesn't even feel like you're falling - when you're 2.5 miles (4 km) up, it's beyond surreal, it's just like you're floating there. DO IT!! :D