One of the true greats fell today.


Southern born, metal bred
Dec 13, 2004
much sadness. my hero is gone. :cry:

Former Sen. Jesse Helms dies
Published: 7/4/08, 12:00 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (CNN) - Former U.S. Sen. Jesse Helms, a North Carolina Republican who became an icon to conservatives, died Friday at the age of 86, the Jesse Helms Center announced.
Helms once said his job was to derail the freight train of liberalism.

Conservatives admired him for his opposition to abortion and what he called "indecent art," while liberals accused him of using race as a wedge issue to defeat black opponents.

The Jesse Helms Center, a private, non-partisan foundation, announced on its Web site that Helms died at 1:15 a.m. Friday in Raleigh.

The cause of death has not been announced. He had been ill in recent years.

Helms served five terms in the Senate, retiring in 2003 after deciding not to seek a sixth term.

President Bush said at the time the Senate was "losing an institution."

"Sen. Helms has been a tireless defender of our nation's freedom and a champion of democracy abroad," Bush said.

Helms' hometown newspaper, the Charlotte News & Observer, lionized him in 2001 as one of the creators of the modern Republican Party.

"Helms helped broaden the party to include religious conservatives and people who drank not just Chablis but sweet tea, and who drove not just BMWs but pickup trucks," the paper wrote when he announced his retirement.

"In doing so, Helms played a pivotal role in moving the Republican Party to the right -- changing the GOP from the party of Gerald Ford and Nelson Rockefeller to the party of Ronald Reagan and Newt Gingrich," the paper wrote.

When the Republicans were the majority party in the Senate, Helms was chairman of the powerful Foreign Relations Committee, where he consistently moved U.S. policy toward the right, especially regarding the United Nations and Cuba.

He also held seats on the Agriculture Committee, where he looked out for North Carolina's extensive tobacco industry, and on the Senate Rules and Administration Committee.

The Heritage Foundation's president, Ed Feulner, hailed Helms as "one of the most consequential figures of the 20th century."

"Along with Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan, he helped establish the conservative movement and became a powerful voice for free markets and free people," Feulner wrote.

"The defeat of Soviet communism and the rise of Ronald Reagan would not have happened without his intrepid leadership at decisive times."

Helms was known as "Senator No" for his staunch opposition to an array of liberal causes, including affirmative action, funding for the arts, gay rights, and a holiday honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

In his later years, he worked with President Bill Clinton's secretary of state, Madeleine Albright, and U2 singer Bono to fight AIDS in Africa.

Helms had an operation in 2002, at age 80, to replace a faulty prosthetic heart valve put in place in 1992, when he also had quadruple-bypass surgery.
Jesse Helms was a blasphemous heretic who radically and purposefully misinterpreted the teachings of Christianity in order to promote his own evil, sick, twisted, cramped agenda as a bigot and homophobe. He purposefully hurt others in order to promote his own political power and the political power of those who believed as he did. Many people died because of what he did. He engaged in political repression in order to reinforce his own political power, and those of the bigoted, hate-filled, heretical, homophobes like him.

Good riddance.
Who the hell has a senator for a hero? Helms was another douche bag interested in expanding the size and power of government. Oh no someone is looking at Hustler! We need another law now!
Jesse Helms was a blasphemous heretic who radically and purposefully misinterpreted the teachings of Christianity in order to promote his own evil, sick, twisted, cramped agenda as a bigot and homophobe. He purposefully hurt others in order to promote his own political power and the political power of those who believed as he did. Many people died because of what he did. He engaged in political repression in order to reinforce his own political power, and those of the bigoted, hate-filled, heretical, homophobes like him.

Good riddance.

what would you know about Christianity?

Helms was an amazing senator.
take no prisoners... back down for no one.

So what aspects of Christianity do you feel he best represented?

no idea. i never judged the man's Christianity. i just thought he was a great senator. Craven brought up his Christianity, as if he was one in a position to make that call.

Craven needs to stick to being the spineless lapdog to groupies and stop stalking me on the internet.
Wouldn't it be funny if he died from AIDS?

Actually that would have been both awsome and ironic. Easy E could have been his little ebony slut bitch.

Misinterpret christianity? I´ve read so many parts of that book and it´s mostly a bunch of "Hey, just follow the big man, don´t think and you´re a winner". I think it possible to interpret that however you want. Can´t say I´m impressed by the language or wise words of the Bible. But let´s be honest - I´m a douche who loves hypocrites so I´m sure no honest self-fearing God would have anything to do with me, that would be bad for their reputation.

Yes, hypocrites. I love them. I love how they make up rules for others to follow and for them to ignore! I hope Helms had some skeletons in the closet (Oh, xarhtna reference). I love how Sean Penn talked about gun control and then he himself carries one in his ride. Or how my idol Ted Haggard preach abstinence, no bumfun and staying away from drugs while he´s taking drugs while getting an ass to mouth from his favourite man-whore! Of course he was cured from these evil cravings after three weeks of counseling!


"Found Jesus eh? Now drop them pants and squeal boy!"
Actually that would have been both awsome and ironic. Easy E could have been his little ebony slut bitch.

Misinterpret christianity? I´ve read so many parts of that book and it´s mostly a bunch of "Hey, just follow the big man, don´t think and you´re a winner". I think it possible to interpret that however you want. Can´t say I´m impressed by the language or wise words of the Bible. But let´s be honest - I´m a douche who loves hypocrites so I´m sure no honest self-fearing God would have anything to do with me, that would be bad for their reputation.

Yes, hypocrites. I love them. I love how they make up rules for others to follow and for them to ignore! I hope Helms had some skeletons in the closet (Oh, xarhtna reference). I love how Sean Penn talked about gun control and then he himself carries one in his ride. Or how my idol Ted Haggard preach abstinence, no bumfun and staying away from drugs while he´s taking drugs while getting an ass to mouth from his favourite man-whore! Of course he was cured from these evil cravings after three weeks of counseling!


"Found Jesus eh? Now drop them pants and squeal boy!"

i'm still wondering how a thread about Jesse Helms turned into a thread about Christianity?

OH... i remember: one trolling window-licker came in and said the word, completely veering off the topic of Helms and the other lemmings started drooling and following suit.

carry on, toy soldiers.
carry on.
i'm still wondering how a thread about Jesse Helms turned into a thread about Christianity?

OH... i remember: one trolling window-licker came in and said the word, completely veering off the topic of Helms and the other lemmings started drooling and following suit.

carry on, toy soldiers.
carry on.

Isn´t it more about our usuall rants about our distrust and disdain for politicians and celebrities and their morals.
Isn´t it more about our usuall rants about our distrust and disdain for politicians and celebrities and their morals.

no... actually, looking back over the thread, from my initial post on, it's just like i said: i started a thread about Jesse Helms' death, then one troll comes in and says something COMPLETELY off-topic and the usual suspects began tripping all over themselves to address the troll's post as if it were the original.
i even tried to be fair and went back to re-read the article i'd posted, to see if there was anything alluding to Helms' religious leanings. there wasnt. there wasnt one reference to Christianity, or religion, in general. nothing.

so why did this troll come in and pop off about Christianity? having known him for a bit, i'm going to add everything together and say mental illness. that happens when your parents are too closely related.
no... actually, looking back over the thread, from my initial post on, it's just like i said: i started a thread about Jesse Helms' death, then one troll comes in and says something COMPLETELY off-topic and the usual suspects began tripping all over themselves to address the troll's post as if it were the original.
i even tried to be fair and went back to re-read the article i'd posted, to see if there was anything alluding to Helms' religious leanings. there wasnt. there wasnt one reference to Christianity, or religion, in general. nothing.

so why did this troll come in and pop off about Christianity? having known him for a bit, i'm going to add everything together and say mental illness. that happens when your parents are too closely related.

You may want to read it again
Helms helped broaden the party to include religious conservatives and people who drank not just Chablis but sweet tea, and who drove not just BMWs but pickup trucks," the paper wrote when he announced his retirement.

Even if your post never mentioned religion it's not some big secret that Jesse Helm's was a religious guy.
From :

But to recognize Helms properly in his totality, it's important to add to the list of words and phrases to describe the unapologetic conservative Republican: unabashedly racist.

It's easy in this age to say that Helms, who carried his dislike of African- Americans like a badge of honor for 30 years around the U.S. Senate, was a son of the South who was simply honoring good, old-fashioned Southern values. But when you stand in opposition to a bill that would, for the first time, give African-Americans from border to border the constitutionally guaranteed right to cast a vote, then I refuse to call you a stand-up person for the rights of every man, woman and child.

And don't try to suggest that because Helms hired several African-Americans in his office that he was still a good and decent guy who was misunderstood. No, he was very clear in how he looked at issues, and if you had the wrong skin color, sorry, but you didn't fully count as an American.

As the tributes came in, I wonder if anyone had the audacity to ask former Sen. Carol Moseley Braun what she thought of Helms.

Once when she was on the elevator and he saw her, Helms started to sing "Dixie," a call-to-arms song for lovers of the Old South, and clearly an offensive song to anyone black. He later said he did it hoping it would make her cry.
A fine human being.