Online Conversations Thread

I thought this over carefully, and I've come to the conclusion that if I was sentenced to death and I was given the opportunity to choose my own method of death, I'd just want to spend an entire day playing with Mercury.
I always liked the bash quote that went a little something like:

I'd run into a room full of people... scream "I HAVE AIDS" then blow my head off with a shotgun.
My favorite was on /b/ where someone was going to be an hero and anonymous suggested that they drink a full bottle of ex-lax, climb to the top of a tall building, strip naked and wait for the swamp ass to come. Once they felt it, they clench as tight as possible and jump, then let the shit flow, knowing that their shit was going to fall all over everyone down below. That's very funny to me.
Necroposting for this:

[16:12] doomsdayzach: on your myspace
[16:12] XxLaurenxxLovexX: what?
[16:12] doomsdayzach: it says
[16:12] XxLaurenxxLovexX: ok
[16:12] doomsdayzach: "i also love most comedies. napoleon dynamite you might say? hella no! thats the stupidest movie ever. whoever thought that was a good movie to make should be emancipated(yeah you like that big word)."
[16:12] XxLaurenxxLovexX: ok
[16:12] XxLaurenxxLovexX: yes
[16:12] doomsdayzach: do you intend to tell me that the good folks who made napoleon dynamyte should be set free from the bonds of slavery?
[16:12] XxLaurenxxLovexX: you read all about me?!
[16:12] doomsdayzach: break the chains of oppression, if you will?
[16:13] XxLaurenxxLovexX: lol
[16:13] XxLaurenxxLovexX: sure
[16:13] doomsdayzach: i'm just clarifying
[16:13] doomsdayzach: because that's what it says there
[16:13] XxLaurenxxLovexX: you read all that?
[16:13] doomsdayzach: you insinuate that this film was made under duress and thus, the folks (writers, directors, etc) should be set free
[16:13] doomsdayzach: is this accurate?
[16:13] XxLaurenxxLovexX: lol
[16:14] XxLaurenxxLovexX: if thats what it says
[16:14] XxLaurenxxLovexX: i wrote that a looong time ago
[16:14] doomsdayzach: ok
[16:14] doomsdayzach: euthenized would make more sense
[16:14] doomsdayzach: just fyi
[16:14] XxLaurenxxLovexX: ok